The Complete Zagzagel Diaries

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Book: The Complete Zagzagel Diaries by Bryl R. Tyne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bryl R. Tyne
Tags: Fantasy
could’ve stopped it from—”
    At once, the mind-desensitizing noise from Papa’s agitated fingers ceased. “Don’t Zag. You’re too close to the situation. Questioning never solved anything. You know I am not able to interfere.”
    “But you have the power. You’re the Almighty, for Christ’s sake! You could have—”
    “Let her go, Zag. Step away before it’s too late. She’s at peace.”
    No! Chloe did not want to die. Chloe was a fighter. Her head lolled ghastly to one shoulder as I lifted her broken body from the side of the road. Regardless of Papa’s teachings and though I’d witnessed an SUV filled with humans perform the deed, I hadn’t a variance in thought about who the true perpetrator was—who truly held the power. The power of life—and death—and of all things.
    Yet, Big Papa insisted every one of His actions stemmed from benevolence... I was tired of the contraries, His explanations.
    Nothing made sense.
    “You say you’re a loving God—you are a parent. Can’t you see? Why do you torture us—I mean, why torture your children, so?”
    I held my ground, Chloe tucked safely beneath my wings, as an unusually warm and strong gust of wind threatened to blow me over. If I survived to tell the story later, I’d say it was Big Papa’s exasperated sigh. “You’re tired, Zag. Put the child down, and come home,” His voice carried on a clap of thunder.
    “No! I can no longer sit by and watch as you toy with these humans.” Without logic or care or reason, I further wrapped the child safely inside my wings and bowed my head—not in reverence but in an ancient tradition. I felt the first jolt of power pulse through me before realizing what I had begun. Every hair on my body stood on end. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I heard Papa’s disbelief in the hitch of His breath.
    Heat radiated from me, bathing Chloe in a healing cocoon, and I recognized the old lines stated with purpose from my lips as they flowed like honey yet tasted strangely like vinegar. I would not stop. The child would not die...
    ...and I would pay the price.
    With a gasp for air and a cough, Chloe breathed in life; her blood-matted hair stuck to her forehead as her bewildered gaze met with mine. I unfurled my wings, smoothed over her limbs, straightening each in turn, putting the finishing touches on mending bone and marrow along the way. “I don’t want to die,” she said, her cough producing a spot of blood that trickled along her jaw.
    “Never on my watch.” I wiped her blood from her skin. Though I smiled, tears clouded my vision as I sealed both our fates with a single word. “Amen.”
    I shuddered as Chloe scooted out of my arms and onto the sidewalk. She paused to tie one of her boots before turning to me. “I’ll miss you,” she said.
    With those words, I knew it was done. I awaited the sensation, my last breath...stealing one final glimpse of your world.
    “Me too,” I said, amazed that I remained on the side of the road, alongside Chloe and full of life.
    At once, she grinned. I froze.
    “What’s happening?”
    Chloe’s smile grew.
    I must have appeared perplexed for she grabbed my arm. “I think you’ll like it,” she said, holding me firmly for a second before releasing me.
    With her release, I felt myself swept up and away. Helpless, I closed my eyes, ascending not of my will. “You know of my impulsiveness. I could not have stopped myself if I had tried,” I whispered my final plea for mercy as Papa tightened his embrace.
    “I know, Zag.” Papa’s voice filled me, surprisingly with warmth. Lightning flashed around me as I was pulled into the Heavens, where the floodgates seemed to have opened and huge drops of rain fell from the skies. “I know.”

    For early evening, the park two blocks west thrummed with life… I think a more accurate way to describe the sounds and sights would be churned, like this unexplainable hollowness in my gut. Devoid. Much like something special had

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