taken her to the Altar of Rocks, a reportedly sacred spot where
various spiritual ceremonies had been conducted for hundreds of
years. Apparently, according to legend, The Immortal One had
been purified on this very spot.
    As a child, Ava had known there was something
peculiar about her mother. Nothing specific that she could
pinpoint, just a feeling that came over Ava from time-to-time.
Especially when the moon was full, her mother would get this crazed
look in her eyes.
    Selinda Valentine, by all accounts, was a
beautiful woman. She’d turned many heads during her short life, but
there was only one man who’d caught her eye and didn’t let go.
Richard, Ava’s father, had often told Ava that he’d become smitten
with her mother the moment he’d laid eyes on her. The attraction
was a powerful one, and it had consumed him. Nothing but pleasing
Selinda had mattered; it became his sole purpose—even after he
learned what she’d been hiding. Then his whole world became about
protecting his wife and her secret.
    Then Ava was born.
    Her childhood, for the most part, had been a
pleasant one with two loving parents and fond memories. But in the
months leading up to Ava’s thirteenth birthday, something in her
mother changed. Her mood darkened, she ignored Ava’s father and
began keeping Ava up until all hours.
    Ava’s memories of the days leading up to her
thirteenth birthday were hazy, at best. She’d never been able to
remember how she ended up at the Altar of Rocks. All she did know
was that when she opened her eyes her mother was towering over her.
Fangs had elongated from her eye teeth and curved halfway down her
chin. Her mother’s mouth opened slightly and she moved down toward
Ava, but stopped short as a look of agony twisted on Selinda’s
face. She sucked in a deep breath and stopped, looking down at
herself an instant before the stake jutted through her chest and
pointed at Ava.
    Someone—Daddy—had staked her mother.
    Selinda stared at the stake that had
punctured her heart. Her cruel gaze rose to look at Ava. “The Immortal One will get you,” she said, and then fell at the
base of the altar.
    * * *
    Ava’s eyes shot open. She felt a bit of
relief when she realized she was in the bed in her sanctuary with
    Stone. Oh. My. God . She’d turned him
into the Immortal One .

Chapter Six
    Ava knew in an instant that the strong,
masculine hands stroking her arm and back belonged to Stone. She
couldn’t be sure how much time had passed while she’d slept at his
side. However long it was, it had been enough time to bring him
back to consciousness. And based on the brazen action of his hands,
he was on the mend.
    Ava cleared her throat and made a
half-hearted attempt at pulling away from him.
    “Where I come from...” Stone drew her back to
him and tightened his embrace. “Being in bed together, naked, means
we’re married.”
    She knew he was a liar and thought about
telling him so. But instead, she said, “Not that I’m an expert on
your time period or anything, but where I come from marriage takes
a wedding ceremony .”
    Stone let out a trail of broken laughter.
When it died out, he said, “Well I don’t know about ceremonies but
what I do know is that I was staked, left for dead, and now I’m
here with you.” He paused a moment, before his true intent finally
surfaced. “You’ve got some explaining to do.”
    Various responses bounced off the sides of
Ava’s head, all of them giving just enough information to appease
Stone. The problem was, Stone was a smart guy and half-truths would
only fuel his curiosity, not satisfy it.
    “Let’s just say that I have a rare blood
type.” She paused, feeling pretty good about her declaration. “And
luckily for you, I happened upon you before it was too late.” No
way did Ava want to bring up that old legend. If she said it out
loud right now, somehow that felt like validation for what she’d
always considered a

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