Katrina, The Beginning
to land and duck before piercing a third through the heart. As I
turned to finish off the fledging that had been the recipient of my
kick, I found he had risen, but before he could flex his sword arm,
Quinn lopped off his head.
    “I was coming to save you.
And once again I see you could save yourself,” he panted, drenched
with sweat.
    “Sorry to spoil your fun.
Let’s get the rest, and maybe I’ll even save one for
    “You’re on.”
    Our swords clanged as we
engaged two more fledglings, and then shortly two more went
    “Go back, go back,” the
leader yelled over his shoulder as he ran through the archway
directly across from the one we had come through. The last of the
fledglings retreated into whatever corridor was closest to
    “We can’t let them get
away!” yelled Philepe.
    We directed two Watchers
stay and dispatch the dead by beheading, while the rest of us
charged on. From what we could tell, only six remained alive,
including the one who seemed to be the leader.
    “We’ll have to split up,” I
shouted as I ran.
    Ricardo and Momar went
left, Philepe and Gerhardt went straight, and I went
    “We have to catch them
before they get to the river!” I yelled to Quinn and
    I took a deep breath and
sensed the two on our side were still ahead.
    “They’re close.”
    I sensed how close just in
time to duck as one jumped out of an opening on my right. Quinn
quickly swung his sword and split the fledgling’s head open. As he
fell, Thomas divided his crushed skull from his
    “One more!” I
    I could smell water now.
The river wasn’t far, and as expected, the corridor opened onto the
bank of the river. I could see brush moving on the other side of
the rushing water.
    Without thinking I leapt
across the water in one stride and ran after the fledgling through
the brush. I slowed, trying to sense where he had gone. It was then
I realized I was alone, having forgotten Quinn and Thomas would be
forced to find their own way across the river. My enemy was close;
I could smell him. Then from above, he dropped right on me. He
knocked me down and my sword flew out of my hand. We wrestled on
the ground; the fledgling’s eyes wild with the look of a rabid dog
whose intent was to tear out my throat. Now the impossibly strong
fingers found my throat and began to squeeze. I thrashed and
fought, but the fledgling continue to squeeze. My vision narrowed,
and I began to see bright flashes. Just as I was about to lose
hope, I saw two hands grab the fledgling’s head and twist. The
crack of vertebrae breaking exploded in the night. The fingers
released as the fledgling fell away. I closed my eyes and I took
several gasping breaths. I opened them expecting to see Philepe or
Gerhardt; I was shocked at the face I saw where the fledgling had
    “Damien…” I croaked. “What
are you doing here?”
    “Saving you, what else? You
didn’t think you could have all this fun without me, did
    “Well, thank you,” I said,
as he kicked the body off of my legs and helped me up.
    “I have to speak to you. I
can’t stay here. Everyone will think I’m part of this plot, but I
swear to you, I wanted no part of it. It’s my sister’s doing. Luena
is a truly evil being.”
    I opened my mouth to
protest, he put his face close to mine, “We don’t have much time,
so please hear me out. That day when your party was attacked, I
tried to get there to stop it, but I was too late. I did, however,
kill the few Volator that got away from your father and Philepe,
and their leader; you’re safe from them.” He stopped, listening,
“They’re coming, I must go. Katrina, I’ll find you in the New
World. Please believe I’d never harm you or your
    Then he put his hands on my
    “You believe me don’t
    I looked into his eyes and
I knew I did.
    “Yes,” I whispered. “Yes I
    He pulled me close and
kissed me, and then he was gone.

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