do is coldly assess and evaluate their troop’s ability and the enemy’s capabilities. To see the big picture clearly and respond quickly to changes as they occur. I’m aware you have no experience at this, but I believe you have the qualities that are needed.”
Adrian continued, “Don’t worry about the battle tactics, I’ll drill you until your eyes bleed, and then when the bullets fly, you’ll react correctly. It’s not brain surgery; it’s a matter of keeping your head when the fighting starts. I think you’ll do that just fine.”
Linda took a sip of tea, her hand trembling a bit. “That’s an awful lot of believing that you’re doing on my behalf. I’m not at all sure you’re right, and if you’re not, what happens to those of us you leave behind? You’re pushing a huge amount of responsibility on me, and I have no background to determine if you’re right or wrong. If I accept, I have to blindly believe everything you’ve told me, and I’m not good at blindly believing anything. “
Adrian said, “You see? That’s exactly what I’m talking about. You’re looking at this clearly and objectively and not being persuaded merely because I’m trying to persuade you. Are you aware of how rare that is? Can you pick out a better woman leader from the available women?”
Linda looked down at her tea and thought for a long moment. “No, I can’t, but I’ve only been here a short time and don’t know the women that well.”
Sarah reached over and squeezed Linda’s hand briefly. “I know every one of them, and none of them would be as good for this as you. I would follow you without hesitation; I can’t say that about any other woman in the village.”
Adrian said, “Let’s do this. You take command, and if after a few days in the position you want to appoint someone else that you think will do a better job, I’ll back you up. You’ll get a chance to see the women in training, evaluate them from a new perspective. If you identify a better candidate, then we’ll make the change. But you have to make that decision within a week, or it’ll be too late to make the change effectively. Deal?”
Linda looked hard at Adrian. He was aware of her inner turmoil, so he waited patiently for her to sort her thoughts out. She finally said, “I have to tell you that I resent being put in this spot. I just arrived here recently and now you want to put all of this responsibility on me. I don’t like it one bit. But I also realize that it isn’t you that created this situation—it just is what it is—so if you think I am the person you need for this, then I’ll go along with it for a few days and see what happens. I am agreeing with full reservations, though.”
Adrian replied, “Understood and appreciated. I know that I have thrown you a hell of a lot in just a few minutes. Most people who have this level of responsibility in a war have had years to prepare for it. Most people would have been in a military career with years of training, would be there because that’s what they wanted for themselves. And here, I’m throwing this at you without warning, expectation, or any desire on your part for it. It’s a lot to consider. I get that, and I’m sorry to ask this of you. But I need the absolute best we have available, and in my eyes—backed up by Sarah, by the way—you are the absolute best available here. Frankly, I think you would be the absolute best in any group anywhere under similar conditions, based on how you handled the raider situation when it came upon you, and how you took your son across country and survived. I don’t see this as picking the best of a bad lot; I see this as being damn lucky someone of your caliber happens to be available. I know it’s a lot to ask, but the life of everyone that will be left behind in the village has to depend on someone, and you are heads and shoulders above anyone else here. I know many of the villagers, and have Sarah, Roman and Matt’s