KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal

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Book: KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal by A.B. McKINLEY Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.B. McKINLEY
closest so far, but it appeared to be just a one off wayward
round that probably was not even meant to land anywhere near them. Scott waited
patiently by the window for a few minutes, scanning for anything at all that
would suggest there would be further trouble, but there was nothing. After a
while, he went to Britney’s room.
    “It’s okay, yer can come oot now.”
    “What happened?” she said, rubbing her eyes.
    “Just a stray shell landed on the riverbank. Nae need tae
worry. I doot if it was meant fer us. Just try and go back tae sleep.”
    “I’m not sure if I’ll be able to right away,” she replied. She
was awake enough now to try to take advantage of the situation.
    “Will you come and sit with me for a while?” she continued.
    Scott had no idea of her newly found feelings for him. He
was completely oblivious.
    “Aye, but only fer a few minutes, I was on the phone with
Katie when the shell landed and we lost the connection, so I have tae call her
back or she’ll be worrying.”
    “Do you have service now?” she asked, trying to appear
concerned about Katie.
    “Nae, nae anything at all, but as soon as I get a signal, I’ll
call her.”
    “Okay, please come sit on the bed. I know I’ll feel better
about going to sleep if I know you’re here.”
    Scott sat down at the foot of the bed. The light in her
bedroom was off, but the door was ajar so light from the main room was coming
    “Thank you,” she said, wanting him to look at her, knowing
there was enough light for him to see her, but he continued to look at his
phone. She had undone the top two buttons of her black-silk pajama top and
moved the sheets downward to intentionally expose her cleavage.
    “Thank you, I really appreciate this,” she said, again
wanting him to turn his head.
    “Nae problem, just try and sleep,” he replied, momentarily
glancing towards her, but not taking notice of what she wanted him to see. She
rolled her eyes and turned over, pulling the sheet back over her. It was unlike
her to give up so easily, but she was tired and he was preoccupied. She thought
there was plenty of time to make him notice her.
    “I’ve got a signal back, so I’m going tae call Katie. Yer
should be fine now, but I’ll just be next door if anything happens,” he said,
as he left the room, still looking at his phone.
    Katie arrived home and was sitting on her couch waiting to
hear what was happening. The girls got home and she sent them to tidy their
bedrooms. She was trying hard not to worry, but her heart was racing and she
was finding it difficult to concentrate on anything else. When her phone rang,
she answered in an instant.
    “Hello,” she said frantically.
    “That was quick, baby.”
    “What happened? I heard a bang and then you were gone. I’ve
been so worried. I didn’t know what happened.”
    “I’m sorry, there was a minor blast. It was just a wee shell
that landed by the river, but it did seem tae knock oot the cell fer a while.”
    “So you’re okay?” she asked, feeling relieved, but still
sounding scared.
    “I’m fine, it was nae big deal, nae anything tae worry aboot
at all.”
    “How close was it?”
    Scott wondered if he should tell her the truth or tell her
it was further away than it actually was. He wasn’t sure, but he promised to tell
her the truth about everything that happened there, and he always kept his word.
    “It was a few hundred yards from the hotel parking lot, but
it was just a single stray shell, more than likely a mortar. Nae shells like
that are going tae cause us any problems. We’re way up on the top floor of the
hotel. Dinnae worry, baby.”
    “Okay, I will try not to. It was just hard hearing the bang
and then losing you, I didn’t know what to think.”
    “I’m sorry. There was nae signal fer a while, I called yer
back as soon as I could.”
    “I know you did.” Her voice was beginning to sound calmer.
    “So what are yer and the girls doing this weekend?” he

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