Silver Screen Dream

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Book: Silver Screen Dream by Victoria Blisse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Blisse
gently swirling patterns on my shoulder with his fingers.
    “She emigrated to Australia last year. Met a guy through work, she’s an air hostess, and moved over there to be with him.”
    “Did she not want to take you with her?”
    “She asked, but no. I wanted to stay here. I had established my life here, I had my little home and my work and plans to study and Nani was still alive. I wanted to stay here with her.”
    “Do you think you’d ever move over there to be with your mum?”
    “I don’t know, who can tell? Maybe something will happen that changes my mind. She tells me in every phone call and with every letter and visit that I’m welcome to go live with her and Frank over there. I could go eventually, I suppose.”
    “Do you miss her?” Rahul twirled his fingers down to my waist.
    “This might sound a bit harsh, but not really, no. She wasn’t in my life much as I grew up, and she still isn’t. I mean, she’s a good mum, she did it all to keep us fed and dressed and a roof over our heads, but you know, it’s not like we’ve ever been really close.”
    “I understand,” Rahul replied. “My relationship with my pita was very similar. He only ever told me he loved me once, on his deathbed, but at least he said it. I mourned his passing, I miss him still from time to time, but mostly my life feels very similar to how it always was.”
    “So who looked after you when you were growing up?”
    “Oh, a family friend.”
    “Are you not close to her?”
    “Him, actually,” he corrected, “and no, not really. He did what he had to do and he still cares for me in his own way, but no, I wouldn’t say we have a very pally relationship. He’s mostly a pain in the arse.”
    “Oh, well, at least you had someone there for you.” I stroked his chest, enjoying the tickle of his soft hair under my fingertips.
    “That’s true. There are many not that lucky in my country, many orphans and many homeless. If I didn’t have Johnny, I might well be amongst the poor and destitute myself. “
    “It’s always good to count your blessings.” I snuggled closer against him. “ Nani always told me that.”
    “A wise lady, your Nani .”
    We lapsed into silence for a while. I think I nodded off for a bit as I came around to a gentle stroking of my cheek.
    “Mm?” I did not have the energy to form a sentence.
    “Let’s get under the covers, it’s getting cold.”
    “M’kay,” I responded sleepily. The soft sheets covered me and Rahul’s hard body pressed into my back. He kissed my shoulder blade, and I don’t remember much more until the sun streamed in through the uncovered window and woke me in the morning.

Chapter Seven
    It rankled with me, but I liked Laura. I don’t like humans as a rule. They are selfish, big-headed and often just down right evil, but Laura was different. She was a giver. Even as they fucked, I could see that. She wanted to please him and she did not hold back anything at all. I’ve seen Rahul fuck many women. I can’t say I’ve always enjoyed the experience, but as Djinns do not sleep and we have to keep an eye on our Masters at all times, it had been an evil necessity.
    Occasionally, it might manage to entertain me, sometimes for all the wrong reasons. It’s very satisfying, sniggering at other people’s bad sex moments. Like the time the young, sweet creature turned into a raving dominatrix in the bedroom. I had to rescue Rahul from that one. It was something I brought up in arguments quite often. “Remember Suri?”
    It would usually shut him up. This time, though, I was glued to the action, not because it was so terribly funny or because Rahul was getting his bum slapped from here to eternity, but because I wanted to work out Laura’s level.
    Every woman has a level, it has to do with sincerity, integrity and how much they’re just after fame, fortune and a leg-up into the Bollywood business. Sometimes it became apparent from the word go. Their

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