Beta Planet: Rise

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Book: Beta Planet: Rise by Dayton Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dayton Grey
Tags: Fiction
V has always discouraged it.”
    Headmaster Ulie continued on. “Okay now… today is the first day of JetSurf practice, so those who signed up, thank you for your support and let’s go get those trophies this year!”
    Kumuki screamed unintelligibly and clapped his hands as he looked over at Geon and Sabien. Many students cheered and gave each other back-fives.
    “JetSurf?” Geon said puzzled by the excitement in the room.
    Sabien only nodded in response with a huge smile on his face. “You’ll see.”
    “Okay, students. In addition, the lab will be open for use throughout school hours and after school for extended hours from this point forward, from four to eight. For those of you participating in this year’s TechSci Concours, we are here to support your efforts. Please use this invaluable collection of brains sitting behind me. Remember, the winning project from our school goes on to the zone competition, and then on to regionals, and then global from there! Let’s bring back a victory this year!”
    Allea and a small handful of other students let out some yelps of excitement, and Sabien and Kumuki clapped and smiled at Allea.
    “Okay all, lastly, for the Level Nine students only, don’t forget that your trip to the Museum of Our History is this week. Because none of you have been, be forewarned that it can be a shocking and emotional journey to see the history of our people, but at the same time it can be revealing and is crucial for the understanding of our world and the betterment of our society. Understood?”
    “That’s us,” Sabien said as he nudged Geon. “Allea is Level Nine, too, the youngest in the class. There are four levels in this school, between nine to twelve. All of the professors teach multiple classes and levels. We don’t have the luxury of having one professor for each specialty. With technology and information today, though, it isn’t necessary to do that anymore.” The other students muttered in acknowledgement to Headmaster Ulie and were sent on their way to first period.
    Just as Kumuki and Allea were splitting up to head to different classes, she grabbed Geon’s left hand and squeezed it. Somehow she had sensed that he was nervous about his first day and he felt comforted and less anxious right away.
    “G, don’t worry. It’s going to be great. Sabien will look out for you. RIGHT, Sabien?”
    “Yes, Miss Allea. As you wish.” Sabien smirked and gave a subtle bow.
    As Geon walked down the long curved hall with Sabien, their LifeCuffs directed them to the next class with step-by-step directions.
    “Next class, room seven. Turn left here. You have arrived.”
    The door slid open and Sabien walked in, Geon right behind him. The classroom was as it looked from the outside, set up in a semicircle, with a flat clear-looking wall with digital images on it in the front and four rows of built in long, curved tables and chairs on slightly gradually elevated levels. At the edge of the long tables, running along the length of them, was a thin, clear board, raised about one foot above the desk. The students quickly found their seats and Sabien pulled Geon toward the back. As each student walked into the room, their cuffs beeped and their names instantly appeared on the far left side of the large clear board at the front.
    When they sat down, their cuffs beeped again and entered into class mode, syncing with and projecting the day’s schedule and content on the thin clear board in front of their desks. A digital keyboard and other tools were also projected onto the desk in front of them.
    “Watch this,” Sabien whispered mischievously, as he typed off a quick message to another student in the room. His fingers glided quickly over the projected letters of the keyboard, and his message of Hey, Bonsi, you look electric today! popped up on his screen. He pointed to a girl in the row in front of them and down to the left and said, “Watch.”
    A very pretty girl with fair skin and long,

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