Blue Ribbon Trail Ride
wasn’t faking? He could have Alzheimer’s, but he also might have hidden the box and put on a great act.” She shrugged. “But I could be wrong. So now what? Colt got all those bruises for nothing, and no box. What’s the next clue we’re going to follow? Whatever it is, I sure hope it’s safer and cleaner than this last one!”

Chapter Eleven
    The next morning, after completing chores at the barn, Kate stepped onto the mounting block next to Capri and grinned across her back at Tori, who stood beside Starlight. “It’s so great to be riding again instead of only working on the scavenger hunt.” She put her foot in the stirrup, then swung her leg over the saddle. “I’m so excited we get to take a jumping lesson at last.”
    Tori settled into her saddle and gathered her reins. “No jumping for me. I’m going to work on my posting and getting the correct lead on a canter. I’ll stay on the outside of the ring while Mrs. Jamison takes you through your paces on the inside of the arena.” She smiled at Melissa, who was sitting patiently on Mocha, then waved at Colt, who leaned against the rail on the outside of the arena. “Hey, Melissa. Isn’t this going to be boring for you?”
    Melissa shook her head. “It never hurts a horse to go back to the beginning and have a refresher. Besides, I can’t turn down a free lesson, can I? It was sure nice of Mrs. Jamison to include me today.” She stroked Mocha’s neck. “Colt’s the one who’s going to get bored. Why aren’t you riding?”
    He grinned. “Lazy, I guess. I’ve been riding a lot lately, and I’m tired of arena work. When you finish here, we should head out on the trail we’re going to use for the scavenger hunt and scope out some places to hide items.”
    Kate groaned. “Now you’ve made me want to go do that instead of taking a lesson.” She slapped her hand over her mouth, then removed it quickly. “Nope. I never said that. I’ve been waiting too long to do more than trot over cavaletti poles and twelve-inch jumps. But I am looking forward to checking out the course we’ll take for the trail ride. Great idea, Colt.”
    He arched a brow. “Told you boys are smart.”
    She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”
    Mrs. Jamison entered the far end of the arena and glanced at the girls. “Ready to go? Tori, you’re staying on the outside of the ring and working on basic skills, right?”
    â€œYes, ma’am. Sure am. Kate and Melissa can have the jumping all to themselves.”
    â€œAll right. Let’s warm up your horses, then. Go around the outer edge of the arena at a walk, then two more times at a trot. Think about your posture, your hands, and your leg position, and post at the trot. Now begin.”
    For the next few minutes, Kate and her friends concentrated on warming up their horses while working on their equitation. It was so fun to be taking a lesson with Tori and Melissa! Kate no longer felt envy when she watched Melissa ride as she had at first. Now she was simply content that Mocha was well and Melissa was their friend and able to ride her own horse once again.
    â€œTori, I want you to keep posting and keep constant contact with Starlight’s mouth. Every two circles, reverse direction so you can post on the other diagonal.”
    Tori nodded and reversed direction. “Could you remind me what that means? It’s been a while since I heard it explained.”
    Mrs. Jamison tapped her crop against her breeches. “Certainly. Keep your reins just tight enough so you can feel the movement of your horse’s head through the reins. If it’s too tight, your horse will toss his head. If it’s too loose and you can’t feel any contact, then Starlight might decide to do whatever he wants to and ignore your instructions. Does that make sense?”

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