Unconventional Series Collection
years and she's never
given me any headache."
    Abby glanced at the horse that wasn't as big as
Brant's, but still looked intimidating to her.
    He continued, "Just pet her nose and pat
her neck. Talk to her so she gets to know your voice. Hold your palm open and
feed her a little hay."
    Abby did as he said and smiled at Daisy's
response. "I think she likes me."
    Brant grinned. "I told her I was giving her
to someone as sweet as she is."
    Abby blushed and turned her head so Brant
couldn't see her reaction to his words.
    After an overview of horses and their
peculiarities, Brant proceeded to show her how to saddle a horse. "We'll
repeat this every day until you get the hang of it. Now, I'm going to lift you
onto Daisy and then mount the horse behind you. You'll need to hitch your dress
between your legs because we don't ride sidesaddle out here. It's too
    "We'll just circle the corral today.
Tomorrow you can ride her alone while I lead her. In a few days we'll ride out
together and I'll show you my land…er, our land."
    Abby struggled with her dress until Brant showed
her how it was done by country women, and then lifted her onto the horse. Even
though she tried to refrain from making a sound, a tiny yelp escaped.
    "Now there's no reason to be scared. An
animal can sense your fear and it makes them skittish. After a few rides you'll
be just fine."
    Brant's calming tone and patience helped her and
she felt herself relax a little. That is, until he mounted the horse behind
her. Now, it wasn't the horse frightening her, it was her own reaction to her
husband being so close. When he placed his arms around her and gathered the
reins, she wanted to twist in the saddle and forget the horse. She wanted to
kiss him and wrap her arms around his broad shoulders. She wanted to remove his
hat and run her fingers through his jet black hair. She wanted to.... She
stiffened at the visions running through her mind.
    "Now, honey, you need to try and
relax," he said against her ear.
    Abby's heart was beating so fast she thought she
might faint.
    Brant made a clicking noise and flicked the
reins. Daisy clopped forward, but Abby was so lost in a sea of sensation with
Brant's arms around her that she paid little attention to the horse. Soon she
was relaxing and closing her eyes amidst visions of the two of them kissing and
doing wonderful things.
    Languidly, she felt his lips touch her ear and
move lower. When his tongue licked the curve of her neck, she melted into him.
    A sound distracted her and she jerked her eyes
open. Jenny stood holding Ty at the corral gate, a smile lighting her face.
"Miz Abby looks real good on Daisy."
    Brant dismounted and helped her down. "That
she does." His azure gaze captured her chocolate one. "We'll continue
this lesson later."
    Over the next week, Abby learned to ride on her
own and shoot a rifle and pistol. Although leery of the weapons, she realized
the truth in Brant's words about needing to know how to ride and shoot. His
praise gave her courage.
    "You're a damn good shot, Abby!"
    As promised, he took her on a tour of his ranch
and the beauty of it thrilled her. "I can see why you love the land
    They had halted their horses on a rise and she
could see their home below with smoke pouring from the chimney creating a
picture perfect scene. Abby wanted to pinch herself when she realized that she
was living in that lovely home, married to this handsome and kindly man, and
mothering three children. Other than the fact that he didn't love her like a
husband should love his wife, her dream had come true.
    "What are you thinking, Abby," Brant
asked softly.
    Turning in her saddle, she unabashedly smiled.
"I was thinking that dreams really do come true."
    * * *
    Brant couldn't take his eyes off Abby's
beautiful smile and had an inclination to jump off his horse, lift her down
from hers, topple her to the ground, kiss her senseless, raise her skirt, and
then find solace in her body. He sighed and glanced

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