Dragon Storm (Dawn of the Dragon Queen Book 2)

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Book: Dragon Storm (Dawn of the Dragon Queen Book 2) by Tara West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tara West
fell to the ground with Safina’s name on his lips.
    * * *
    Fiona did not how she found her way back to Mrs. Jenkens’s home, for she walked as if in a daze. How could she have been so careless, so blinded by her heartbreak, while completely ignoring her daughter’s needs? Now her sweet child was lost to her, possibly forever. What kind of a heartless mother was Fiona, that she’d driven Safina to seek solace in the arms of a man she hardly knew?
    Fiona clutched the banister at the bottom of the stairs leading to the front porch, buckling as if she’d been punched in the gut. What if Josef was wrong? What if Gabriel didn’t love her daughter? Where had they gone? What if the mortals there discovered Safina’s secret? How would she protect herself from guns and cannons?
    Fiona was so consumed in misery and worry, she didn’t see Dr. Straw approach her until it was too late to avoid him.
    “Good evening, Miss Fiona.” He held a bloody cloth to his nose as he bowed before her with a regal, almost comical, sweep of his arm. “Forgive me, but I do not know you by any other name, and I have heard so much about you, I feel as if we should be on a first-name basis.” Despite the wheezing coming from his nose, his words slid off his tongue with the slippery ease of a skilled liar.
    Fiona was no fool. She knew his sugary sweetness was laced with poison. “What do you want?” she growled, amazed her fingers didn’t itch to heal this man, but her fists did long to punch him. She wasn’t sure why the sight of him made her so angry. Call it dragoness intuition, but she suspected his injured nose had resulted from cowardice or aggression.
    His eyes sharpened, but he broke into a wide smile, blood dripping down his cleft. “I suffered a slight misfortune tonight, and I am in need of a skilled healer.”
    She crossed her arms with a sneer. “You should go to your hospital. They have modern medicine there.”
    He appeared unfazed by her insult. “But I have heard your gift is far superior to that of modern medicine.”
    “I’m sorry. I’m not healing anyone today.” She pushed past him. After the heartbreak she’d suffered, she was in no mood to deal with a snake oil charlatan. Bloody nose or not, she knew the real reason he’d come calling—to discover her healing secret, a secret she’d never divulge to the likes of him.
    Much to Fiona’s surprise, he grabbed her elbow, jerking her toward him. “Please,” he pleaded with wide eyes. “I’m in so much pain. I can pay you handsomely.”
    She shook free his grip, which was surprisingly strong for a man so thin. “I said no.”
    He arched a brow. “I have fifty dollars that says you’ll change your mind.” He jingled coins in his pocket, coins which probably amounted to no more than a few cents. Fiona hadn’t yet learned how to read Galveston currency, but she could tell when she was being lied to; the man was unable to hold her gaze for more than a few seconds.
    Fiona glared at him from beneath her lashes. “Please step away from me before I hurt you.”
    A look of shock crossed his features, his cheeks turning as red as a crimson sunrise. “You hurt me?” He slapped his chest, laughing. “Believe me, madam, it is you who should be afraid of me .” He sneered as if she were no more significant than the grime beneath his boots. “You have no idea what I’m capable of. I’ve heard rumors you’ve been practicing witchcraft.” He said this loud enough to command the attention of passersby, who looked back at him with slackened jaws. He snapped his fingers. “I could have you thrown out of this town in a heartbeat.”
    Fiona stepped up to him, flashing a coy smile. “Your nose is bruised, not broken, but your organs are failing, no doubt due to your penchant for drink.” She clucked her tongue while shaking her head. “You will not live another year.”
    Despite the balmy Galveston air, which caused sweat to drip down her back and make her heavy dress

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