A View from the Buggy

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Book: A View from the Buggy by Jerry S. Eicher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerry S. Eicher
special to me. Mom’s youngest brother, Johnny, had married Marianna Schwartz, and they lived in the big house while Grandpa and Grandma were nestled in the dawdy haus .
    We set out walking with Mom pulling our flyer wagon. Melvin Jr. at four years old considered himself too big for a wagon ride. So when I, his big sister, climbed on the wagon a quarter mile down the road, Melvin Jr. thought this very funny. He marched along beside Mom, glancing back every so often at me and jumping up and down with glee.
    When we arrived, Melvin Jr. soon forgot about me. Grandpa gave him some of his bubblegum—which was Grandpa’s usual custom when grandchildren came. I didn’t want any, as my jaws felt too stiff to even think of chewing gum.
    Mom quickly gave Grandma her bath so we could be on our wayhome. I was in extreme distress by then, and very uncomfortable. I didn’t know what I wanted. It seemed like I wanted something badly, but couldn’t get it.
    Mom had one more quick stop at Johnny’s house. She had to pass on some news before we could go on home.
    My, my , I thought. Will they ever get done talking? I could hardly stand anymore. It felt like someone was pulling me down to the ground. Mom must have noticed that I was getting pale and trying to keep my balance, because I was quickly offered a chair. I gratefully sat down and put my head on the table.
    Marianna asked Mom, “Have you ever thought of her being diabetic?”
    â€œNo,” Mom said.
    â€œThen let’s check her blood sugar with Grandma’s meter,” Marianna suggested.
    Mom ran over to Grandpa’s and returned with the meter. We returned home first before Mom tested my blood sugar. Against my will, I have to admit. I thought the poke of the needle would hurt too much.
    Panic seized Mom when she saw that the meter tested over 400. Dropping everything in her tracks, Mom ran all the way back to Grandpa’s with the meter to show them. Rushing into the house, white as a sheet, Mom shoved the meter under Grandma’s nose.
    Staring crookedly at her, Grandma asked, “What’s that all about?”
    Mom told them, and Grandpa ran to the neighbor’s to use the closest phone. Grandpa called Melvin, who drove us Amish people around sometimes, and in what seemed only a few minutes I was at the emergency room of the hospital.
    â€œIt’s a wonder she isn’t in a coma,” the emergency staff told my parents. “You can be thankful you brought her in when you did.”
    I was soon stabilized enough so I could be sent on to the Lutheran Children’s hospital, where I stayed for three days. They did a lot of blood tests until I was in tears, wondering when it all would end.
    â€œDu bist okay,” Mom would comfort me, repeating often, “you’ll be okay.” All the while holding me tight. In my pain Mom told me howJesus had also suffered pain by going on the cross so we could have eternal life. It was comforting for me to know that Jesus was there with me in my physical and mental pain.
    I left the hospital for my new journey in life as a diabetic. The future appeared uncertain, but by trusting in the Lord not to give me more to bear than I was able, I traveled on.
    Next March it will be eight years since then, and life has not been without its struggles. Yet I have been blessed beyond words with caring friends and concerned doctors. Thanks to all who have helped me in these areas. And may God, the only True One, be honored and glorified.

The Continuing of My Journey
    Miriam Schwartz
    Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies (Psalm 23:5).
    W HY AM I, OF ALL MY SIBLINGS , THE ONE CHOSEN TO HAVE DIABETES ? I silently wondered as I prepared to test my blood sugar again.
    After having diabetes for several years now, it had grown very monotonous to test my blood sugar four times a day and take shots every time I ate. Often I catch myself thinking that all this extra

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