Surrender to Fate (Fate's Path Part One: A New Adult Romance Series)

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Book: Surrender to Fate (Fate's Path Part One: A New Adult Romance Series) by Jacelyn Rye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacelyn Rye
Harstons wished they could take Riley, but the truth was, they couldn’t afford to feed another animal. At least Lulu could catch her dinner. Riley had no way to earn his keep. Edward hadn’t given up on finding him a home, but so far, there were no takers. Sarah was mortified at the thought of just leaving him behind and what that would do to poor Matty.
    As horrible as it was to be preparing to leave, at least it meant that they were still there. It meant that she was still just a stone’s throw away from Will. It meant that the nightmare hadn’t become a reality. Yet.
    But, as with any nightmare, Sarah eventually had to wake up and face the day. Today was that day. But instead of waking up and feeling relieved that it was all just a dream, Sarah woke up knowing that today, she would be telling Will goodbye, which was something in her wildest dreams, or in this case, her worst nightmare, she never thought she would have to do.

Chapter 15
    They had thought about meeting in the pines, but then decided to meet at first light next to King’s Creek instead. Sarah had tossed and turned all night long, weeping into her pillow so as not to wake Matty. He moaned and mumbled throughout the night too, but Sarah was thankful that he was at least able to drift off to sleep, even if it was restless.
    When her bedroom window framed the first hint of pink sky, she slipped out of her bed and quickly dressed. Her tears felt cold as they silently dripped down her cheeks. She could not make herself stop asking the question that she had no answer for. I have to tell him goodbye. I’m going to him…and I have to tell him goodbye. How? How can I possibly do this? She never once not looked forward to being with Will, and as much as she couldn’t wait to run to him and fall into his embrace, she knew that when she did, it would be to tell him goodbye, whether she knew how to or not.
    How many tears can one girl cry? How many before she just can’t cry anymore? The dawn had just barely broken, but she could’ve found the creek in her sleep. She once again ran her hand around the aspens as she past by them. I’m here to tell you goodbye, too, my dear trees. I hope that this will not be the last time I am with you.
    As she approached the creek, she could hear the familiar babble of the shallow water over the rocks. It was such a soothing, quiet sound, but in the still of the morning, it rang out so clearly. She walked to the bank of Coon’s Cove and stared into the depths of the dark water. The morning light was reflecting in the ripples, and the reflection of the willow tree left distorted shapes of the branches on the water. Her life used to be the willow tree: Strong and resilient, reaching for the limitless sky. And now her life was the branch on the water. Jagged and broken by the ripples of an uprooted life and a love plucked before it could fully bloom. She was just a reflection now of what used to be, and a reflection isn’t anything real. She stared into the pool for how long, she didn’t know. She would’ve kept her gaze there if it hadn’t been for the feeling of a hand on her shoulder. Will. He was here, he was right behind her, but she couldn’t turn around. She fought against every force in her body telling her to turn to him. She couldn’t bear the thought of turning to see him, to look at him, knowing that she was turning to tell him goodbye. If she could just stand perfectly still, he could stay behind her forever, and she wouldn’t have to tell him. She could be happy to just have him right behind her, touching her shoulder, never leaving her. I can’t William. I won’t turn to see you for the last time. She closed her eyes and gulped as her body succumbed to the uncontrollable sobbing. She dropped her chin to her chest and her entire body shook with the revolt of the inevitable.
    William wrapped his arms around her shoulders and laid his head against her. She reached up with her hands and wrapped them around his

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