Amy “Red” Riding’s Hood (Adult fairy tale erotica)

Free Amy “Red” Riding’s Hood (Adult fairy tale erotica) by Liz Adams Page B

Book: Amy “Red” Riding’s Hood (Adult fairy tale erotica) by Liz Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liz Adams
flood down here!”
I’m sorry!” Alice squeezed her thighs together, but it just made it worse, just
made her more excited. She closed her eyes at the overpowering sensations
rushing through her.
not me,” she moaned. “This is not me!”
had to sit down. Liquid splashed around her.
was sitting in a pond of her own juices. Beside her, the man was swimming. Her
little pond had become his lake.
more he swam towards Alice, the more distant he became. A strong current was
pulling him away from her.
afraid,” he sputtered. “I can’t…”
distracted by the arousal washing through her body and leaving out between her
legs, Alice could do no more than watch as the current sped him away from her.
She shivered with hot pleasure.
    I’m becoming so big. I’m feeling so good.
It’s not right. It’s not right.
the man called, an outstretched hand disappearing into the heart of her waters.
was gone.
as Alice heard the slaps of the waves licking the hallway walls while she
writhed in wrongful pleasure, a distant question struggled to speak in her
    How did he know my name?

Chapter 4

big body pressed against hallway walls and the ceiling. She had to be doubled
over to fit. In her dazed state of hypersensitive arousal, she saw a table of
pies float by her. Couldn’t be.
sign on the table said, “Humble Pie.” Desperate to try anything to stop the
growing, she snatched a pie between her thumb and first finger, accidentally
crushing the thing. She put the creamy crumbs to her lips. Odd. It smelled like
cherries and tasted like apples. Alice licked the sweet remnants off her
fingers. Her other hand pressed her dress between her legs, frantic to find an
off button.
next? What could she do to put out this blaze in her body?
there was no need to wonder for long. Her body began to shrink and, with it,
the fire of her desire.
    This is right. Now I’m becoming a size
that fits me.
continued to shrink, smaller and smaller, right into the lake of her own
wetness. Down to the size of the hanged man.
he also eaten the pie? Before she met him?
let the current take her out of the hall and into sunshine. But what was wrong
with the sky? It was a bright pink color. The sun wasn’t even setting! The warm
sun felt good on her wet face. But how was she going to return to her normal
size and get home? Getting her feet firmly on land was the first step.
saw a distant shore. At least it looked like a shore. She swam in its direction
and soon found herself wading near a blond-haired young man with a chiseled
chin. Looking at him did interesting things to her body.
She gave him her best smile.
floated closer to her, his broad shoulders bobbing above the water line. “What
is this?”
was just gathering wood for tonight’s campfire when this lake suddenly appeared.”
He looked around at the encompassing lake “What happened?”
me,” Alice lied. “I’m Alice. What’s your name?”
sure,” he said with a cool voice. “But everyone calls me ‘Rabbit’.”
Rabbit scowled looking around as if trying to find his “everyone.”
everyone? And how did you get here?”
ten years ago we all shrunk down to this size, but none of us remembers why.
Something about boy scouts, scouting, eating pie… Something.”
imagined those square jaws eating pie, and then imagined those same jaws busy
between her legs. She forced herself free from the daydream. “Why do they call
you ‘Rabbit’?”
of us remembers our real names, so we gave each other names of animals,” Rabbit
said still looking around. Alice’s smile didn’t seem to capture his attention.
“Except for our servant, of course.”
have a servant?”
    “What’s his name?”
finally looked at Alice and

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