1633:The Danish Scheme
excuses and apologies from Copenhagen's ships' chandlers and supply houses had finally convinced him that Mette's comments about who he would have to buy from were true. If he was going to get the cannon, gunpowder and small arms the expedition needed, his only choice would be to buy the needed supplies from Bundgaard. A cousin to the king's Minister of War, Bundgaard had the sole concession to sell military arms in Copenhagen. He used his monopoly to force people who wanted to buy armaments to also purchase their other supplies from him. Since word had gotten out that the expedition wanted to buy weapons, other potential suppliers were suddenly unable to meet Luke's requests or their prices were twice the rate they had been when Luke first started planning. Bundgaard had made a take it or leave it offer to supply all the expedition's needs. He hinted that the other suppliers knew what was good for them and Luke should too. His price was slightly higher than planned, but even Bamberg agreed, "He may be a scoundrel, but if we are going to sail on time, he's your only choice." With no other options and time getting short, it was time to negotiate the best deal they could get with Bundgaard.
    "Greetings, Captain Foxe!" The owner met them at the door.
    Bundgaard reminded Luke a little of a fictional character Svend had described, except without the hook. There were two unsavory looking toughs lounging near the fire who didn't bother to move when the owner greeted Luke.
    Luke quickly got down to business. "We're here to finalize the order for the expedition. I brought Adolphus along because we need to add some additional mining tools to the list." Bamberg handed over a short list. "Can you supply these by the end of February?"
    Bundgaard read the list. "I should have no trouble and your cost will be reasonable. Come into my office and we can work out the contract's details."
    Luke thought Bundgaard's eyes reflected the stacks of coins he was expecting to count.
    An hour later, after some serious haggling over terms and dates, Luke's party emerged. "Very well, half now and the remainder by the first of February. All supplies to be delivered by February fifteenth. My crews will load from your warehouse by the docks."
    * * *
    Once outside, Bamberg turned to Luke. "I hope we did the right thing. I don't have a very good feeling that we’re going to get what we paid for."
    "I know what you mean, Adolphus, but as you said before, what choice do we have?"
    * * *
    A short, stout Dutch captain and his bosun headed straight for the shop Luke's party had just left. When they entered, the two toughs immediately stepped over and blocked their way. "We're here to see that swindler, Bundgaard. Those provisions he sold us for our last voyage were mostly barrels filled with stone and sawdust. My men almost starved because of his thievery."
    "Fister Bundgaard does not want to see you!" Both men blocked the doorway to the office Bundgaard had retreated into. The captain tried to force his way past, but one of the toughs tried to deck him with a roundhouse punch. The captain ducked, and then tripped over a chair, smashing it to splinters.
    When the second tough moved in, the bosun pulled a belaying pin from inside his jacket and waded in to help his captain. Bundgaard emerged from his office with a cudgel and joined the fight.
    Karl and his patrol were passing by and heard the commotion. About the time Karl reached the shop, the front door flew open and the fighters fell through the doorway in a mass of bodies, fists and weapons. The patrol judiciously applied their cudgels. In a few moments, the fighters lost all interest in each other.
    "Who are you and how did this start?" Karl asked the captain.
    Bundgaard interrupted before the captain could say a word. "These hooligans broke into my shop and attacked my men. I'm Gammel Bundgaard and I'm . . . "
    Thunk!  A quick rap with a cudgel by Gunnar silenced Bundgaard immediately.
    "You were about to

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