Romance in Vegas - Showgirl!

Free Romance in Vegas - Showgirl! by Nancy Fornataro Page B

Book: Romance in Vegas - Showgirl! by Nancy Fornataro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Fornataro
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Action, Lust, love, Las Vegas, showgirl
his gaze.
    He took a step, gathered her in his arms, and
pushed her back against the elevator rail. He grabbed her buttocks,
and she felt his hardness. His lips roved her neck again, up to her
cheek, then to her lips. Pushing her lips open, his tongue moved in
her mouth, exploring, tasting, as she trembled.
    Breaking the kiss slightly, as his mouth
hovered above hers, he whispered, "Are you mine?"
    As his tongue rolled on her lower lip, she
said faintly, "No...I mean...I don't know."
    Pressing his hips against hers, he began to
move rhythmically against her.
    After peeling down the front of her dress,
his hand came up and felt the warmth, the softness of her breast.
Moving his palm over the nipple gently, he heard her sharp intake
of breath. Then, as he moved the bud between his fingers, he heard
it again.
    "You're mine," he said softly, while he drew
back and looked into her eyes. His hand still moved casually on her
    She felt the heaviness again between her legs
and by instinct she brought his hand there, and closed her eyes at
the sensation as his hand probed, smoothed. It was intimate. She
felt safe, secure.
    But he moved his hand back to her dress and
pulled it up. Stepping away, his eyes roamed over her, making sure
she looked fresh, unsullied. Taking her hands in both of his, he
kissed them, one then the other.
    "Someone will want the elevator," he said
finally. And he pushed the up button.
    After changing clothes, Dani paced back and
forth in her suite that night. Al brought her to her door around
midnight, kissed her on the cheek, and left her alone. She knew she
couldn't call Kim, as she and Tony might be together. But she
needed to talk to someone. Plus, she was hungry, so the employee
lunchroom seemed like a good bet.
    When she arrived, and filled her tray with
desserts, she looked around for anyone she knew. The big heavy-set
man everyone called Teeny sat looking morose, so she walked up and
flashed him a smile. He grunted and rose as she sat at the
    "I'm Dani. Please, sit. I just wanted to
introduce myself."
    "Yeah. Nice meeting you. Heard that was some
dance last night you did. Good for business. Really good."
    She smiled before she took a bite of brownie.
"I just didn't know what to do. That damn shoe broke, so I just
winged it."
    "Yeah. The boss thinks you're doing a really
good job."
    "Nat you mean?" She finished the brownie and
started on the cheesecake.
    "No sweetheart. Al's the boss. There ain't no
other boss."
    She nodded with her mouth full. "What was his
father like?"
    "Sal? Yeah, that would be Salvador Scaletti."
He was quiet for a minute. "Those were the days."
    "You mean so many killings?"
    "Nah. I mean the respect. People got no
respect anymore. Enough to make you puke. Oh, sorry. Forgot you was
    She laughed. "It's okay. Tonight Al said I
was going to get fat."
    He looked skeptical. "You need more meat
there. A guy needs something to hold on to, know what I mean?"
    "I guess. Are you married?"
    "Nah. Never met the right dame I guess."
    "What was Al's wife like? I've heard she was
pretty sheltered."
    "Oh Clary? That was her nickname. Yeah, he
met Clarice a few years back. She was...different I guess you could
    He continued, "Al told me she saw the world a
different way than we did. At first I thought she was just a ditsy
dame, you know? But after I knew her for a while, I could tell what
he meant. Like just something simple like swimming. She'd have a
blast just playing with a beach ball or something."
    "He must have loved her very much."
    Grunting, he nodded. "I hate to even tell
about when she died. He was so bad, wouldn't get up out of bed for
days. I had to slap him before he'd even get dressed."
    "You slapped him? Did he slap you back?"
    "Nah." He looked at some distant spot and she
saw his eyes starting to fill with tears, and tried to think of a
different topic.
    "And Al's mother?"
    "Oh, he was just a baby when she died. She
starved, what do you call that

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