Homecoming Homicides
wife. I’m sure you’ve read about them in the papers. They just formed the Crystal & Hale Psychic Detective Agency in Atlanta. The mayor has authorized me to bring them on board to consult with the task force.”
    Flippy offered her hand to Jack Hale, who greeted her warmly. Luke gave Jack a perfunctory handshake and inclined his head toward Katherine, saying, “Ma’am.”
    Flippy also turned to Katherine, who grasped her hand in both of hers. The famous psychic’s eyes were a startling shade of violet, just like they were on television. But up close, they were even more arresting, and they met hers and locked in. Then she drew back and dropped Flippy’s hand like she’d been scalded.
    “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Jack asked his wife, who had paled and looked like she was going to faint.
    “What do you see?” he demanded.
    Katherine was staring at Flippy as if she could see straight through her.
    “A fire,” Katherine answered. “I see a fire. And she’s there. We need to keep her close, Jack. She’s in danger.”
    Chief Bradley interceded and turned to Katherine.
    “What do you mean?”
    “She’s the key to your case, Chief Bradley. She’s the one he wants.”
    “The killer wants Philippa?” Luke asked, shifting his stance and rubbing his chin.
    “Yes.” Katherine seemed very sure.
    The chief looked like he didn’t know what to make of this new development. Luke leaned down and whispered into Flippy’s ear, “Mumbo jumbo, nothing to worry about.”
    “I learned the hard way never to discount my wife’s feelings,” Jack advised. “She made a believer out of me. And she’s rarely wrong. I’d put a guard on Miss Tannenbaum 24/7 until we catch this monster.”
    “What does she have to do with this case?” Katherine asked.
    “Philippa was first runner-up on the homecoming court last year when the homecoming queen was murdered,” said the chief.
    Katherine shuddered and focused her unwavering gaze on Flippy. “I see blood. A lot of blood. The man you’re looking for is out there. He’s close. He has access, and he wants you. And I’m afraid he’ll…” Katherine looked at the chief. “You’d better protect her. He’s not done killing. He’s just getting started. He’s getting off on it, and he won’t stop until he has Philippa. She will lead you to him.”
    Chief Bradley turned to Luke. “You heard the lady. From now on, you’re on her 24/7. When she breathes in, you breathe out. Y’all hearin’ me?”
    “But Chief Bradley,” Luke protested. “Are you going to listen to a bunch of—”
    Chief Bradley cut him off. “Do your job, Slaughter. Or you’ll be out of one.”
    Luke frowned and turned to Katherine.
    “All due respect, Ms. Hale. You just met Flippy, so how can you know anything about her? True, you two have a track record, but I’m having trouble believing you just had this vision and, all of a sudden, we have the key to our investigation? Things just don’t work out that way. It takes methodical police work to solve a case.”
    The chief stepped in before Katherine could reply. “Slaughter, the mayor saw fit to hire a psychic detective agency, and we are not going to ignore their advice. How many cases have you solved in the past year?”
    Luke’s face colored.
    “And don’t you go doubtin’ their abilities. My mama has the sixth sense, sure as I’m standin’ here. You learn to listen. She predicted that my sainted wife would meet an untimely death. I should have protected her. I didn’t do my job, and now she’s gone. She was the light of my life. I’m not makin’ that mistake twice.”
    “Maybe your mama can solve this case,” Luke muttered under his breath.
    “You have something to say, Officer Slaughter?”
    “No, Chief.” Luke stared at the concrete floor.
    “Good, because I know you don’t want to go back to handin’ out parking tickets.”
    “No, sir, Chief, sir.”
    Flippy ventured a look at Luke and smothered a grin. Then she

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