Haven (The Breadwinner Trilogy)

Free Haven (The Breadwinner Trilogy) by Stevie Kopas Page B

Book: Haven (The Breadwinner Trilogy) by Stevie Kopas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stevie Kopas
it was useless and wouldn’t change the situation.  She was in Florida, they were back home in Chicago. If the rest of the country was in any sort of similar situation as Haven, there would be no way she could get to them safely.
    She spent quite some time by herself in her room, smoking by the window, staring at nothing.  She racked her brain for a plan, trying to figure out what they should do, where they should go. She wondered what the roads were like, whether or not they should even attempt to leave town.  There was no way that they could stay where they were, she hated to admit it but Zach was right, they had nothing of sustenance in the house.  A few cans of soda, beer and a couple snacks.  Her stomach rumbled at the thought of food, she hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday.  She dropped her cigarette into the can and headed for the kitchen.  Lulu was still blankly staring at the TV set and Zach sat with his head back and his eyes closed.  He opened them when Michelle entered the living room and watched as she ignored him and went to the pantry.  
    She set a box of Oreos down on the counter and pulled two out.  Zach joined her at the breakfast bar and she pushed the box toward him.  
    “Thanks.”  He pulled a few cookies out for himself and opened the fridge.  
    “Can you grab me a soda?”  Michelle asked, her mouth full of cookies. He pulled three cans out and handed one to her.  
    He walked back to the living room and set a can in front of his cousin.  Her eyes didn’t move from the television.  He grabbed her face gently by her chin and her eyes met his.  He motioned toward the soda.  “Drink something.  Please?”  She nodded and he popped open the can for her before returning to the kitchen.  
    Michelle slowly chewed the last of her second cookie.  Zach stood beside her and put his hand on her back, “How are you doing?”
    She flinched and shoved his arm away from her.  “Don’t touch me.”  He looked confused, maybe even hurt, but she didn’t care.  
    “What’s your problem?”
    She laughed at the question.  A genuine, hearty laugh.  “Is that a serious question?”
    He shrugged his shoulders, awaiting her answer.
    “Everything is my problem.”  She stormed off and stopped at the couch, looking down at her friend.  “You need to get your shit together.”  Lulu watched as she disappeared down the hall.
    Michelle locked her bedroom door and started up the shower.  She sat on the floor of the tub and cried until the water ran cold. When she was done dressing and drying her hair it was completely dark outside.  She smoked another cigarette and returned to the kitchen.  Zach had put a DVD in after giving up on getting any useful information from the news networks.  Lulu was in the kitchen, heating up some Ramen noodles.  Michelle grabbed a packet for herself and waited her turn.  Lulu hugged Michelle tightly without saying a word.  Michelle reluctantly held her in her arms, she was no good at comforting others.  Lulu silently left the kitchen and joined her cousin on the couch, eating her noodles and watching the overrated comedy he had chosen.
    Michelle brought her food with her to her room and closed and locked the door again.  She ate in silence and thought about packing up and leaving in the middle of the night by herself.  She thought about trying for Chicago, how easy it could be just going it solo and not having to worry about anyone else, but she couldn’t convince herself to leave Lulu here.  It was almost as if Lulu had been reading her mind as a soft tap was heard at her door.  She got up and opened the door.
    “Can I come in?”  Lulu looked even smaller than she normally did as she leaned against the wall outside Michelle’s room.  Michelle waved her in and closed the door again.
    Lulu scrunched her nose up at the bed in disgust, thinking of Michelle and her cousin together, and sat in the computer chair. Michelle crossed her legs on

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