spilled behind them had been hers, after all.
* * * *
Emrillian woke slowly, to the clear, precise tones of Mrillis lecturing. She sat up slowly,
in fear of a pounding head. A weary weakness made her body heavy and slow to move. Her eyes
blurred until she blinked a few times. What she could see was not much of an improvement.
Mrillis had stopped them in a niche where the tunnel curved. It wasn't exactly a cave,
but it gave an illusion of shelter among all the shadows and damp. She lay in a nest of blankets
with a saddle as a pillow, against the wall. A torch sat wedged into a pile of rocks near her head.
A faint dusting of crystals in the roof of the niche gave back a dull sparkling glow. A fire burned
in a circle of rocks and Mrillis and Grego sat on opposite sides, talking. Tea steeped in a small
metal pot, hanging without visible support over the flames. The spicy aroma reminded her of
cozy afternoons in Mrillis' library, curled up on the couch, reading ancient histories or listening
to her grandfather tell her what was true and false about the events recorded there, and even
sharing some stories of how he or Meghianna had deliberately fouled the histories to hide the
truth. Emrillian wished for those days.
"I know what you think, I can read it in your eyes," Mrillis said. "You wish to know
why, with my powers, I don't remove dangers like the drakag. The answer is simple, if you think
a moment."
"Only simple to you," the younger man muttered, picking up a cup of tea.
Emrillian's throat and mouth felt dusty, watching him drink. She held quiet, wanting to
understand the conversation before joining it.
Mrillis chuckled, the sound brightening and warming the cold and gray surrounding
them. "I agree, the answer is only simple to those who understand the legends and magic. The
dangerous beasts remain here specifically to protect the tunnel. Even the monsters and nuisances
that Edrout insinuated here."
"Protect it against what?"
"More accurately, to protect whom?" Mrillis lifted one finger and the pot of tea swung
out and tipped. The greenish liquid arched so it streamed into his cup without spilling.
That flamboyant little gesture brought her own magic to mind. Emrillian felt some pride
that she had functioned so well in the attacks they had faced, even as instinct told her the ache in
her head came from improper control. She knew Mrillis would take her aside for refined lessons
soon enough.
"Imagine the chaos and danger, for both worlds, if Moerta's people blundered upon this
tunnel. Many there have the potential to work magic," Mrillis continued, after taking a long sip
of the tea. "They simply lack the energy necessary. Let me remind you, not all Athrar's followers
stayed inside the dome erected over Lygroes. Many crossed to Moerta. If anyone has magic in
the age to come, it is because of the blood of Rey'kil ancestors."
"You're sure magic will extend over the whole planet again, once the dome falls?"
Grego's eyes gleamed. "I can't decide if people will be thrilled or terrified. Karstis and Shalara
were prepared, somewhat, and even they got a good shock."
"The question is whether the easier access to magic will be a good thing, or the
beginning of the end for our world." Mrillis turned from the fire. A cup rose, was filled, and
floated toward Emrillian. "I am glad to see you among us again, child."
"I feel much better," she said, answering the unspoken question. She stood, caught the
cup in mid-air and settled down in front of the fire, Mrillis on her right hand, Grego on her left.
"Though ashamed at my weakness. More lessons?" she asked, when her grandfather caught her
wrist and she felt the questing of his spirit against hers as he checked her health.
"Discipline must be learned through practice." He nodded and released her wrist. "When
you are ready, we will go. A little more than three hours of riding, we will be at the Vale."
"That's something I still don't understand."
The frustration in Grego's voice