The Ways of Mages: Starfire

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Book: The Ways of Mages: Starfire by Catherine Beery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Beery
most resent one? The one made earlier this year ? ”
    Kadrean nodded.
    “ Odd . ”
    “ Indeed. Do you make anything of it ? ”
    Razyan snorted .“ Make anything of it ?” He repeated .“ What am I to make up? A town pops out of nowhere and Zeeve claims there is a girl with magic here . ”
    “ Is that why you are here ?” Razyan looked up a Kadrean with a frown .“ Zeeve called you. I know I did n’ t. Why else would you come to a town tha t‘ poppe d’ out of nowhere ? ”
    Razyan rolled his eyes .“ Aye, he called me, but as soon as I answered him the link failed. I became worried that something terribly wrong had occurred. I traced the spell all the way here. And after all my trouble, he just wanted a way to test if someone had magic.  He could have asked you for a stone . ”
    “ He could of, but I just arrived myself .” Kadrean shrugged.
    Razya n’ s eyes glinted .“ He told me earlier that he had been tossed around. Is that true ? ”
    Kadrean nodded .“ The whole thing happened just after I arrived around noon .” Kadrean shook his head slightly.  “ Zeeve must have been really upset to come out into the open like he di d… Say, who did he think has magic ? ”
    “ He did n’ t say a name .” Razyan thought a second .“ But I did see her. She actually passed under the branch that I met Zeeve on. I’ d say she was five-foot-five. Coppery-red hai r… eyes I could n’ t tell you because of the angle, but she was young. Nineteen or so I’ d think .” Razyan replied thoughtfully.
    “ There is only one that fits that description here . ”
    Razyan raised a brow .“ How long did you say yo u’ ve been here? Not even half a day? How do you know there is only one ? ”
    “ Razyan, the whole town came out to see me. There was only one redhead. Besides, she was the only one Zeeve talked to .” Kadrea n’ s eyes shadowed .“ It was disgusting to watch. Some boys, twins by the look of them, started tossing Zeeve between them like a rag doll. I t … ” Kadrean shuddered .“ And the worst part is you would have thought the adults would have done something about it. But they did n’ t. The y… they seemed to enjoy their childre n’ s antics. I caught Zeeve and she took him back. When she lef t… I thought I saw steam rising from some of the buildings. One building was giving off quite a bit. It had a little garden in front. I think it might have been the twi n’ s house .” Kadrean snapped out of his reverie .“ If anyone in this town has magic, I agree with Zeeve. That girl seems the most likely . ”
    “ Do you know her name ? ”
    “ No. I …”   There was a soft knock on the door. Razyan instantly shifted into a wolf, shook his head as if to sa y‘ this wo n’ t d o’ and changed into the Red-wing. He then disappeared under the bed.
    “ Sir ?” It was a woma n’ s voice.
    “ Just a second .” Kadrean called. He made sure that Razyan was out of sight before he opened the door. Lila, the headma n’ s wife, was wringing her hands. She was a short, plump woman; a head or so shorter than he was.
    “ I’ m sorry for disturbing you, sir .” She said shyly. She took a breath before continuing .“ But if you want dinner, i t’ s ready . ”
    “ Thank you; I’ ll be down in a minute .” Kadrean shut the door. It unnerved him to be calle d‘ si r’ all the time. The Red- wing had come out from under his bed .“ Do you want me to bring you anything ?” The bird nodded .“I’ ll bring you something, then . ”

Chapter Seven- In Three Nigh t’ s Time
    Down in the dining room the Seedman family had gathered. There was Mrs. and Mr. Seedman, an older woman who had to be a mother-in-law to someone, and a man who was about thirty or so. His hair was a mud brown with flecks of gold; a mix of the Headman and his wif e’ s own hair leaning toward the headme n’ s.  He could have been well built, but for the thinness of his body. He looked

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