Outcasts of Velrune

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Book: Outcasts of Velrune by Isaac Crowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isaac Crowe
later she had an odd sensation of being watched. Turning her head to the right, she saw the acolyte looking back at her with an open mouth.
    Eve’s face flushed. “I...is something wrong?”
    The woman shook her head as if clearing it. “I’m sorry; I just didn’t expect to see you go out into the water.”
    Eve had known people would make fun of her fear of the water. That was why she had asked Max to help her learn to swim. Embarrassed, she took hold of the tip of her tail in both hands.
    “I can go farther out. Well,” Eve lowered her head, “when Max is with me, I can.”
    The woman waved her hands “No. No. I wasn’t trying to make fun of you. It’s that I have never seen a lacarnian, and I know several, step into the water before. It really surprised me to see you sitting down that far out.”
    The red faded from Eve’s face. “I’ve worked really hard to get over my fear. When Max is with me I can go all they way to my chin, but this is as far as I could go by myself.”
    “Is Max the boy that was with you?”
    Eve let go of her tail and smiled. “Yep.”
    “And he is actually helping you?”
    Eve gave her a quizzical look. “Well, yeah. We’ve been friends since we were little.”
    The woman laughed. “I take it you are not from any of the large towns?”
    Eve thought of their little village and laughed. “No, we’re from Swiftwater. I bet it’s about as small a place as you’re going to find. Where are you from?”
    The woman curtsied. “My apologies. My name is Melody. I was born in Moenia where The Children of the Immortals took me into their order when I was a little girl. I am actually returning there from a trip I took on their behalf. Who might you be?”
    “I’m Evangeline.” Eve let out a giggle. “But you can call me Eve.”
    “It is nice to meet you, Eve. If I may ask, what brings you out across the dead lands?”
    “Tyco, the grumpy one bossing us around, used to be a member of the Protectors. A messenger showed up in Swiftwater with orders that he is supposed to meet with them in Moenia. He asked Max to go along with him because Max wants to be a Protector like his father. I came to keep Max out of trouble.”
    Melody joined Eve in her laughter before asking. “Max’s father isn’t taking him?”
    Eve frowned and shook her head. “He was killed by bandits when Max was six. That’s why he’s been so determined to join the Protectors. He wants to take his dad’s place in helping others.”
    “I knew a lot of the Protectors. What was his father’s name?”
    “Peter Laskaris.”
    Melody’s eyes widened. “Captain Laskaris?”
    Now it was Eve’s turn to be curious. “Yes. Have you heard of him?”
    Melody seemed in deep thought. “Yes, Captain Laskaris was well known to the people west of the dead lands.”
    Melody let the thought drop and focused back on Eve.
    “I‘m surprised you wanted to go along with them to Moenia?”
    Eve shrugged. “I didn‘t want to at first, but Max asked me to and, I‘m worried about him. There’s no telling what trouble he would get into without me.”
    Melody laughed. “Is that right? Like I said, I know several lacarna. I would be willing to bet you’re the one that usually gets him into trouble.”
    Eve couldn’t keep back the mischievous grin that always worried Max. “Maybe.”
    Melody almost doubled over with laugher. “I thought so. Now, I’d venture to guess the old man is Chiron Penna, but who’s your furry little friend there?”
    How’d she know Mr. Penna’s name? Furry friend?
    Eve looked behind her where Melody pointed. Spook had crept up to the water’s edge where she sat methodically cleaning herself.
    Eve giggled. “That’s Spook.”
    Melody shook her head. “You are certainly different from any lacarna that I’ve ever met, but given who your friends are, I think I know why.”
    “What do you mean by that?”
    Melody tapped her chin with her finger as she thought aloud. “Why don’t you, Max and Mr.

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