Alice-Miranda At School

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Book: Alice-Miranda At School by Jacqueline Harvey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacqueline Harvey
you.’ Alice-Miranda moved towards her and held out her hand. Mrs Howard looked a little surprised but squeezed it gently.
    â€˜I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you arrived, my sweet. Not like me at all, but there was trouble afoot with my youngest grandchild – she had the croup and I just couldn’t leave until I knew she was going to be all right. That daughter of mine has quite the brood – seven and another on the way.’ Mrs Howard’s smile sent deep wrinkles to the corners of her eyes. She looked around the room and spied Alice-Miranda’s freshly made bed.
    â€˜Darling girl. Did you do that?’ Howie looked genuinely shocked as she inspected Alice-Miranda’s handiwork.
    â€˜Yes, Mrs Howard,’ Alice-Miranda replied. ‘I’m sorry if it’s not quite right but my granny taught me to make my bed at home when I was six. She said that everyone should know how to make a bed and, well, seeing as though she’d once been a nurse, a long time ago in the war, she taught me how to do hospital corners. If you’d rather teach me your way, I’m very happy to learn.’ Alice-Miranda stood like a statue beside the perfectly made bed.
    â€˜Oh no, my dear, it’s wonderful. Perhaps you can teach the other girls?’ She smiled widely and raised her eyebrows. ‘I’m sure Alethea would love some lessons.’
    Millie stuck her bottom lip out as far as she could manage.
    â€˜Yes, Millicent – I’m sure that’s what Alethea would do, too. Now run along to the shower, girls. I’ll lay your uniforms out on the beds before you come back.’ Howie bustled along the hallway clanging her bell.

After breakfast, which consisted of the most delicious scrambled eggs, tea and toast, Millie took Alice-Miranda to the Great Hall, where the girls were to meet for assembly. When at last the bell rang to signify the start of term, Alice-Miranda wriggled in her seat. She craned her neck to see the teachers as they marched side by side down the centre aisle, dressed in spectacular gowns with a rainbow of coloured hoods. The new girls, of whom she was the very youngest, sat in the back rows while the older forms sat infront. The organist, who Millie had said was called Mr Trout, waved his arms flamboyantly as he played a very complicated piece. He taught Music, of course.
    Alice-Miranda was yet to meet most of the staff but she recognised Miss Reedy and Mr Plumpton, who stood at the end of the line. Mr Plumpton’s red nose glowed and he had to take two little running steps for every one of Miss Reedy’s, but somehow he managed to look dignified just the same.
    The teachers took their places on the stage and Miss Reedy stepped forward to speak.
    â€˜Good morning, girls, and welcome back for another year at Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale. I trust that you have all had a good holiday and are ready to give of your best. If not, you will find yourself spending a lot of time in detention with me. If you are new, I hope you are settling in well. You have all received a copy of the school rules – I suggest you read them closely and abide by them at all times. I have several announcements.’ A soft buzz echoed around the hall at this.
    â€˜She’s going to announce the Head Prefect,’ Millie turned and whispered to Alice-Miranda, who was sitting in the row behind.
    Miss Reedy was holding a large scroll. Sheadjusted her silver-framed glasses and let the scroll unfurl to the floor.
    â€˜Item number one. The new Head Prefect is …’ Miss Reedy flinched.
    â€˜Oh no, it must be …’ Millie winced, waiting for the inevitable. There was a much longer than necessary pause as Miss Reedy seemed unable say the words. Finally she whispered, ‘Alethea Goldsworthy,’ and smiled thinly.
    Alethea squealed from the front of the hall. ‘It’s me, it’s me!’
    â€˜Alethea, please come up and accept your

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