The Last Woman (All That Remains #1)

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Book: The Last Woman (All That Remains #1) by S. M. Shade Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. M. Shade
I turn off the water,
and he puts his arm around my shoulders as I help him out of the shower. Throwing
a robe on him instead of the sweats I had ready, since he looks like he’s about
to collapse, I help him back to his room, dripping and shivering.
    We run into Airen in the
hallway, and he gapes at both of us. I’m nearly as soaked as Joseph, although
I’m wearing clothes at least. Joseph does his best to pull the robe closed. The
look of shock on Airen’s face turns to dismay, and then surprisingly, to anger.
What the hell? I didn’t bother him or ask him to help. He stalks into his room
and slams the door without a word.
    “I told you he wouldn’t like
it,” Joseph says. “I’m sorry. The last thing I want to do is cause trouble for
    “I’ll deal with him later.” I
manage to get him to a chair while I change his sheets and blankets and finally
get him into bed.
    “I’m sorry,” he repeats. “I
guess I should’ve waited until I was stronger.”
    I study him, all clean with
his hair ruffled and shining. He’s regained his color and his green eyes are
bright. He really does have amazing lips. He doesn’t have Airen’s imposing
beauty, but he’s very attractive. Sexy.
    “Don’t be silly. Don’t you
feel better? You certainly look better without all the grime,” I tease.
    “It feels wonderful, thank
you. I just don’t want to cause trouble for you with Airen. You’ve been so good
to us.” He nods toward Walker’s bed.
    “Honestly, I don’t know what’s
bothering him. He’s never like this. I don’t want you to worry over it though,
we’ll work it out. Just focus on getting well.”
    I’m appalled and embarrassed
by Airen’s behavior, and frankly, I’m pissed. Neither Joseph nor I have done
anything to deserve his attitude, and I promise myself I’m not going to put up
with it any longer.
    “He’s jealous,” Joseph answers
as if it should be evident.
    I give him a reproachful look.
“He’s not jealous. It’s not like that, obviously.”
    “Sorry, but it sure looks like
it to me. He doesn’t like all the time you’re spending helping me...especially when
I’m naked.” Dimples grace his cheeks as he teases me.
    “Stop. I know you’re trying to
be nice, but we both know that’s not true. Airen is so far out of my league
it’s amazing we can see each other. I don’t know what his issue is, but he
doesn’t want me like that. Now get some rest. I’m going to bed.”
    I quickly leave the room
before he can answer, but not before I see the look of confusion on his face. Naturally,
I can’t sleep. All I can see is the look on Airen’s face when he saw us in the
hallway. I don’t know why he’s so pissed. Is he just being overprotective as
usual? Joseph is too weak to walk on his own so what does he possibly think he
could do to me? I’m annoyed because he’s made me feel like I’ve done something
wrong, disappointed him in some way. Honestly, why should I feel bad for
helping someone?
    I thought I knew Airen pretty
well, but this is a new side of him. He can be difficult and brooding, but he’s
never been so hostile, sulking around the house and slamming doors. Screw it. I
turn over, adjust my pillows and hope when I wake up I’ll get the other Airen,
the slightly arrogant, smirking smart ass who tries his damndest not to show
his emotions. The overprotective, bullheaded sweetheart who worries over us
constantly, and is right there when we need him to be. A few hours before dawn
sleep finally takes me.
    * * *
    Airen won’t talk to me. It
seems he’s opted for the less mature option of giving me the silent treatment
and isolating himself in his room. I’m concerned, but I’m also busy caring for
Joseph and three kids. Joseph is off of the IV, his ankle is healing well, and
he’s able to walk unassisted, although with a limp. If things continue the way
they’re going with Airen then I’ll have to ask Joseph and Walker to leave when
he’s well. I

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