Kaitlin's Silver Lining

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Book: Kaitlin's Silver Lining by Ciara Gold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ciara Gold
himself. It was one thing to be spurned
by Emma, but to have the rejection witnessed by her current beau chafed at his
insides. It fair put him in his place and deflated his confidence just a mite.
    He nudged the man.
“Name’s Bryce, and you’re...?”
    “Well Harvey, let’s
drink a toast to...”
    “To spending a few
hours away from nagging women and—and thankless jobs.”
    They both raised
their glasses high but were interrupted by the advancing noise of protesters.
    “Raise your voice
high, my friends, and oppose the evilness that lurks within. Strong liquor by
the bottle or glasses will drain your purses, leaving you poor and flat out on
your asses!”
    The loud chant grew
closer, breaking into Bryce’s troubled thoughts. Slightly tipsy, but far from
drunk, he wove his way to the swinging door. Others crowded forward to see what
ruckus disturbed their entertainment. He peered over their shoulders and
grunted. Was that Maggie and Kaitlin in the front of a parade of women?
    “Hey look, boys. It’s
them suffragists. Let’s offer ’em a drink and invite ’em inside.”
    Laughter rang out
amidst the patrons at the Thirsty Sailor Saloon. Bryce chuckled and shook his
head. Those two sure knew how to stir up trouble. “Damn fool women. What do
they think they’re doin’?”
    “I dunno, but that’s
my wife in the back, and she’s gonna skin me alive when she finds me here.”
Harvey’s gaze searched frantically for an exit. “Think there’s a back way out?”
    “Harvey! Ain’t that
your wife?” bellowed another patron to the man who’d just spoken. Harvey made
shushing motions with his hands, but no one heeded him.
    “Harvey! Harvey is
that you? I know you’re in there, you drunk skunk. You get your skinny rump out
here ’fore I drag it out!” A very petite woman marched to the front of the
picketing women and peered over the assembled men standing just inside the
door. Harvey ducked low, trying to hide from his wife. She yanked open the
swinging doors. Men scattered. Harvey stood quaking before this tiny version of
womanhood, the situation made more amusing by his rotund size.
    “Hello, dear.”
    The men erupted into
guffaws of laughter at his meek reply.
    “Harvey, how could
you? You know how I feel about these places.”
    “Aw, Sally. It ain’t
what you think. I was just helping break the place in. It’s their grand
opening, and Ben wanted me to come celebrate.”
    “Ben?” Another woman
stepped into the bar and searched in earnest for her delinquent husband.
    The man beside Bryce
gave him a nudge. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve gotta go. If I don’t
side with my wife on this issue, I won’t eat for a month.” Slowly, others saw
the wisdom in these words. One by one, the crowded saloon began to clear,
leaving only the men who weren’t tied to an apron string.
    Bryce chuckled. The
entire affair resembled a comedy of errors. He sauntered back to the bar and
downed another shot. He would need the fortification for the lecture he
expected to receive from Kaitlin when she learned of his presence. He laughed
again, enjoying the irony of the moment.
    “Makes you wanna
puke.” One of the bartenders, a large black man, moved to stand across the bar
from Bryce and leaned his elbows on the bar.
    “The noise them
infernal women is makin’. It’s drivin’ me to drink, but unfortunately I’m on
duty. Name’s Jack. Jack Brewster. Don’t recall seeing you around here before.”
    The chanting and
singing erupted in earnest, making it difficult for the folks inside to relax
and enjoy their free time. He understood now why Kaitlin had been doused in
molasses that first day. If he had a barrel right now, he’d douse her himself.
    “Bryce Stanton. Just
got in a couple of days ago.”
    “Vistin’ then?”
    “Yep.” Bryce didn’t
feel like elaborating.
    A bottle appeared
next to him, and he glanced up. On the other side of him, Farley Kaufmann

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