Sold To The Sheikh: His Indecent Proposal (An Interracial Sheikh Romance Novel)
gone through.” Dr. Farber laughed, giving her another
sympathetic look.
    “Many of my patients feel
that way,” she said. “And most of them say, once they do get
pregnant, that they were right about it.”
    “Good to know it’s all
sunshine from here,” Mia said, smiling weakly again.
    “So once we implant the
embryos, you will be waiting for two weeks,” Dr. Farber told them.
“And then you can take a pregnancy test to see if they have
    “Two weeks?” Rami sounded
somewhat shocked. “But if she has fertile eggs, and the embryos are
implanted inside of her, how could she not become
    “There are still many
things which could go wrong: sometimes the body rejects the
embryos, sometimes the uterus doesn’t cooperate, and sometimes the
embryos don’t work their way down into the uterine wall the way
they need to. If the embryos—one or all of them—implant as is
required, it takes two weeks for the hormones to be strong enough
to detect in a pregnancy test.”
    “More waiting,” Mia said,
trying to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. “I’m getting so good
at waiting, I’m becoming a pro.”
    “You’ve been incredibly
patient, and understanding of everything, Mia,” Dr. Farber
    “Yes,” Rami agreed. “I
really appreciate how willing you’ve been to go through this for my
    “Well, with an offer like
the one you made…” Mia took a breath and exhaled slowly. “I’m just
hoping we can make this work. I’ll feel terrible if we
    “It can take time,” Dr.
Farber cautioned her. “Don’t get discouraged if the treatment isn’t
successful this first round. It often takes several cycles to
conceive this way.”
    “I want to make sure we’re
doing this the safest way possible,” Rami said. “You’re sure you
have enough sperm and enough eggs—and that there won’t be any need
for her to take the kinds of hormones she did before?”
    “We should have enough
fertilized eggs to do at least three cycles,” Dr. Farber said. “If
we’re more conservative, maybe four or five.”
    “Oh man, I so hope it
doesn’t take five cycles,” Mia said flatly.
    “Without wanting to upset
you, it might,” Dr. Farber told her gently. “Which is why I don’t
want you to feel down on yourself if it doesn’t happen this time.
There’s a science of reproductive medicine and there’s an art, and
sometimes the science isn’t enough.”
    Mia took a sip of the
water Dr. Farber had given her. “Okay,” she said. “I won’t get all
worked up if it doesn’t happen this time, I promise.”
    “And remember, both of
you, that if it gets to be too stressful, we can take a break for a
few months,” Dr. Farber said.
    “That’s right, Mia,” Rami
told her, giving her hand a squeeze. “A break would be as much a
part of this as the active part.”
    “You are not going to
convince me to stay in your pay when I’m not even actively trying
to get knocked up,” Mia told him firmly.
    “Too much stress reduces
the chances of successful conception,” Dr. Farber repeated. “If
we’re not able to get it in three cycles, I will insist that you
take a month off—maybe even two—to get the hormones out of your
system and build your body back up. And that’s part of this
process. It isn’t my place to advise on your monetary arrangement,
but from a medical point of view, if Rami is paying you for this
process, he should be paying you for that, too.” Mia looked from
the doctor to her benefactor and decided that no matter how
logically she argued with them, neither was going to budge on the
    “Okay, fine. When can I
come in and be implanted?”
    “Another two days and
we’ll know for sure. We’ll be in touch very soon, don’t you


    “Okay,” Mia said, setting
her phone down on her bathroom counter. “I want you to know

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