The Sheikh's Accidental Bride

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Book: The Sheikh's Accidental Bride by Holly Rayner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Rayner
disapprove anymore.
    “It’s better out here!”
    She splashed water across the surface of the water at him, but he was too far away to be caught by it.
    He didn’t move. He just watched her, smiling. “Then you enjoy it!” he said.
    She pushed off, swimming out to the middle of the lake. She wanted him out here with her. She hated that he wasn’t. But even if she had to be by herself, it was still an amazing feeling. She came up for air, now and then, and felt the warmth of the sun on her skin, and the balmy air. She was weightless, careless and free.
    She didn’t know how long she swam for. She just knew it was long enough to cool off, and release the tension that any conversation about Salman’s impending nuptials brought up in her.
    When she felt ready to come in, she looked back to the beach. He wasn’t there.
    Nadya gasped. She had a sudden terrifying vision of her out alone in the lake. Maybe he’d heard something. Maybe her identity had been revealed, and he’d just been so angry that he’d left her out here, with no way to get back. She had a sense of what direction the house was, but only a vague one.
    She heard his voice to her right. There was a rock formation on a little peninsula out into the lake. And there was Salman, sitting on a rock that was only just higher than the water.
    He waved and motioned for her to come to him. She obliged, swimming as quickly as she could. She found the water next to the rock wasn’t shallow like the shore. It was deep, and she treaded water there, unable to touch the bottom with her feet.
    “Enjoying yourself?” he asked, though it was obvious. It was equally obvious that he was enjoying himself, too, sitting in the sun on the rock, with his feet in the water, watching her swim.
    “I’m sorry Salman, the wedding’s off. I’m a lake woman now. I’m never coming out.”
    He sighed with exaggerated despair. “Well, I guess it was bound to happen. I’ll make sure someone comes out to feed you now and then. But if you’re planning on giving me a magical sword so I can become king, you don’t need to bother. I already have a kingdom.”
    “What, really?” she said, as though all her best made plans had been undone.
    He nodded sadly. “Oh, well, I guess there’s no point, then.”
    She reached her hands up towards him, and he grabbed them. Wordlessly, he pulled her out of the water and up onto the rock, as easily as if she weighed nothing.
    When she’d been in the water, Nadya had thought there was no way that Salman could possibly be enjoying himself as much outside of it as she was. But now that she sat, dripping wet on the warm rock, she reconsidered. The heat of it on her wet skin was wonderful, and the sunlight on her cheeks, and on her dripping hair was working wonders.
    She closed her eyes, and didn’t speak. Neither did he. She lay down beside him, drinking it all in.
    The day had been eventful so far, and it was still early. She’d thought there was nothing she could love more than the hotel, but then she’d seen the house. She’d thought there was nothing she could like more than the courtyard, but then she had seen the bowling alley.
    And then there’d been this. Here, Nadya felt like herself. Her nerves were settling. The stillness of the water was calming.
    “Thank you for coming, today.” She could tell by the sound of his voice that it was having a similar effect on him. “I was important to me that you got to see it. It makes… it makes you feel like family.”
    She didn’t answer. His words started a warmth in her heart that spread through her entire body. She reached on her hand, and set it on his back. It felt comfortable. It felt like they’d been together for a long time.

When they’d stayed at the lake a good long while, Nadya was feeling centered and strong. She felt better than she had in a long time. She could

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