The Palomino Pony Runs Free

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Book: The Palomino Pony Runs Free by Olivia Tuffin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Tuffin
flicking her ears back and forth. Hardly daring to breathe, Georgia just managed to reach a hand through the crack in the barn door to find the bolt. She pulled it across and pushed open the heavy doors. She was in!
    Jumping down from the palomino, she led Lily into the barn and quickly tied her up next to Santa. Lily was pleased to see her friend, and the mares whickered a greeting to one another before snuffling noses, ears pricked and eyes shining. Georgia hurried over to Will and crouched down beside him. It looked as though he had been trying to get some hay down from the hatch above the stables and judging from the loose bales pilednext to him, some had fallen on top of him. He stirred and gave a small groan, his face pale and his forehead cold and clammy.
    “Will, are you OK?”
    To Georgia’s horror, as he turned his head, she saw a deep cut above his right eye that was bleeding heavily. Looking around her and thinking desperately, Georgia suddenly remembered the first aid lecture at the Pony Club rally. She knew what to do! Tearing off her cotton scarf she folded it and pressed it against his forehead, trying to stem the bleeding. Will placed his hand over hers to keep the pressure on the cut, realising what she was doing. His hands were icy cold. He was only wearing a T-shirt underneath his thin riding jacket and the inside of the barn was like a freezer.
    Taking off her own jacket, Georgia wrapped it around Will’s shoulders, and again, remembering what she’d learned at the Pony Club rally, tookcare not to move him in case he was seriously injured.
    “Thanks, Georgia,” Will whispered weakly, his teeth chattering with cold.

    Georgia felt dizzy with relief when she heard the distant wail of sirens and the familiar sound of Melanie’s 4x4 storming up the rutted path towards the barn. The vehicle screeched to a halt and she heard footsteps running across to the barn. Two figures appeared in the doorway. She recognised the man from his pictures – it was Will’s older brother Jasper, the famous show rider!
    There wasn’t time to think, or even say hello. Melanie and Jasper were quickly followed by two paramedics who rushed in, carrying their bags of equipment. Georgia was only too happy to let the grown-ups take over and she sank to the floor inshock, her legs finally buckling underneath her. All the stress of Lily getting loose on the heath, and then finding Will in this state had been a bit much. She was aware of lots of activity around her – Will being taken into an ambulance, and Melanie wrapping another jacket around her shoulders, but she felt one step removed from it, as though she were watching a drama on the television. Lily nudged her hand, concerned for her mistress, and Georgia nuzzled her mare back, breathing in her sweet, reassuring scent.
    The short journey back to Redgrove was quiet. Simon had followed Melanie with the horsebox and she and Georgia loaded a calm Santa and Lily, ready for the journey back. It would have been pitch black by now, if not for the bright white moon lighting up the old stone barn. Staring out of the window at a night sky studded with stars, Georgia couldn’t help but think they might havejust arrived at the Horse of the Year Show by now, ready to bed Lily down in preparation for her class tomorrow. She shook herself. Will and Santa were safe. She just hoped Will would be OK. Not just after his accident, but when he found out that Santa had already been sold.
    As if reading her thoughts, Melanie turned to her and smiled. “You did a very brave thing, you know, Georgia,” she said kindly. “The paramedics said that if you hadn’t found Will, it could have been far worse, especially on a freezing night like tonight. Poor boy, how unlucky life has been for him recently.”
    Georgia nodded sadly. She may not have got off to the best start with Will but now she understood why he was the way he was. He was desperately trying to live up to his brother’s reputation,

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