Set in Stone

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Book: Set in Stone by Frank Morin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frank Morin
Tags: ya fantasy
    "You don't understand," he begged and dragged against Bruce's arm. "I have to go to the Sogail tomorrow."
    "You should have thought of that before you tried to kill me," Lady Isobel said. "Away with you."
    "No, wait!" Connor protested, fighting against Bruce. "You know this is wrong! Isn't stealing the oven enough?"
    "I didn't steal it," Lady Isobel shrieked. "I confiscated it."
    Lord Gavin said, "My dear, the boy does have a point."
    Lady Isobel rounded on her husband and screamed, "Don't meddle, Gavin! He broke my precious oven! I will own him!"
    Connor tried to protest again, but Bruce whispered, "Stop it, lad. She's in one of her moods, and you'll only make it worse."
    "You can't do this to me," Connor begged as Bruce towed him back to the southeast corner of the manor.
    "Who said I was?"
    He looked up to meet Bruce's blue-eyed gaze for the first time. Bruce looked sad, as well he might. He knew all too well the hardships of slavery. He'd been a free Linn once, a great soldier if one could believe the stories.
    Bruce winked. "All right, lad, now's the time."
    "I don't understand."
    Bruce rolled his eyes. "Struggle."
    Connor frowned at the cryptic answers, but tugged at Bruce's arm anyway. He was unprepared when Bruce gave a great cry and staggered back three paces before collapsing to the ground.
    As Connor moved to help him, Bruce glared and said, "Don't be daft, boy, run!"
    Connor glanced back toward Lord Gavin just as Bruce gave a great moan and shouted, "Oy, the boy's gone and broke my leg."
    Lord Gavin shouted, "Now hold on there," but Connor was already running.
    As he rounded the end of the building and bolted for the road down toward town, Lady Isobel's voice rang out loudly, "Guards! After him. Bring me that slave!"
    None of the guards were even outside yet. They were probably helping the servants fight the fire. Connor ran hard, but as he passed the manor's main entrance, Hamish stepped into the door.
    "What's going on?"
    Not slowing, Connor shouted, "Get back. Go take care of Aileen."
    "She's fine."
    "Just go. And if anyone asks you, just tell them it was all my fault."
    He did not wait for an answer, but poured on the speed and sprinted down the long road toward Alasdair. He had to get home. His parents would know what to do.
    In the distance, he could see a crowd of people pouring out through the upper gate and running toward him. The sight slowed him for a second.
    How could they know he was a fugitive? And worse, why would they be so eager to help Lady Isobel?
    Then the truth dawned on him and he glanced back. A dense column of smoke rose from the manor house. The townsfolk were responding to the threat of fire.
    As Connor neared, people started calling out questions. Connor shouted, "The kitchen's on fire. They need help."
    He pushed past the first ranks of villagers without slowing, and then caught sight of his parents in the press. A wave of relief washed through him and he ran to them.
    "Connor, you're a mess, what happened?" Lilias asked.
    "Is the fire bad?" Hendry asked at the same time.
    "Never mind the fire," Connor said and drew them aside. A few people glanced their way, but no one stopped to listen.
    "What's happened, son?" Hendry asked.
    "Hamish and I sort of broke the oven."
    When he paused, his father said, "That's not everything is it?"
    Connor shook his head, took a deep breath, and added in a rush: "We kind of set fire to the kitchen and burned Lady Isobel."
    "You didn't!" Lilias exclaimed.
    "We didn't mean to, it just sort of all happened."
    "I bet she's angrier than a grounded pedra," Hendry said.
    "Worse. She named me Daor."
    His parents paled at the news, and Lilias snarled, "That black-hearted pedra spawn."
    "Watch your language, love," Hendry said out of habit as he glanced back toward the manor. "This is serious."
    "She wants to lock me up," Connor continued. "What am I going to do?"
    "For now, find a place to hide," Hendry said. "Soldiers coming."
    Connor followed his gaze

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