Men of Courage II

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Book: Men of Courage II by Lori Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Foster
her, he stiffened his arms to rise above her. Her face twisted with her pleasure. Her cries were sharp and throaty and real.
    Looking at her, loving her, Ham let himself go. The turbulent release washed through him, wave after wave, each one stronger, more acute than the other. Hegroaned, kept himself pressed deep within her until finally, utterly drained, he lowered himself into her arms.
    M INUTES WENT BY . His heartbeat slowed. His breathing evened out and his overheated skin began to cool. Ham decided that Liv was far too silent, almost withdrawn.
    He didn’t like it, but he felt so replete, so happy with her, so damned in love, he couldn’t work up the energy for more than a smile. Rubbing his nose against her ear, he whispered, “Hey. What’s wrong?”
    With a deep sigh, she ran her fingers over his military haircut. “Nothing.”
    Why did women always say nothing when they meant something? “Tell me, Liv.”
    Her rounded shoulder lifted, nudged against him. She sighed again. “I just wish this moment could last forever.”
    Because he still had to do two years of study for his Ph.D., two years that’d keep him on active duty, which would involve compromise on her end, he didn’t get into his plans yet.
    Hoping for some middle ground that wouldn’t spoil the moment or his mellow mood, he promised, “I’ll make you happy, baby.” He rose up to see her face. Her hair was wild, and he smoothed it, tucked it behind herears. A slight whisker burn marred her smooth cheek, and he touched it with his thumb. Her breath caught.
    Smiling into her smoldering eyes, aware of her nipples stiffening again, Ham continued to touch her softly and asked, “For now, can you just trust in that?”
    He put a finger to her mouth. “No buts, Liv. You love me. I love you. I’m not about to ruin that by doing anything that’ll make you unhappy.”
    Still she hesitated, and Ham gave a partial admission. “I’ve made some plans, changed some things. It’ll be all right, Liv. You have my word.”
    She searched his face, her eyes suddenly filled with hope. “I do trust you, Ham.”
    Thank God. She didn’t yet know what his plans would be, but he knew she couldn’t possibly get the wrong idea. He’d been too clear on his position in the air force. He wouldn’t give it up. Her acceptance showed her willingness to compromise—just as he’d hoped.
    He put a firm kiss on her mouth and left the bed to stand on shaky legs.
    Their eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and she visually devoured his naked body with interest. It was a good thing, to please the woman you loved, the woman who would be your partner for life.
    Staring at his lap, she asked, “Just where are you going?”
    Stifling his grin with an effort, Ham explained, “I have a box of rubbers in my bag upstairs.”
    “A whole box, huh?” Looking sassy and sweet, Liv raised herself onto one elbow. “You must have been feeling pretty hopeful when you came here.”
    “Honey, I’ve lived off hope since you turned twenty-one.” He put a hand on her bare hip, trailed his fingers down to her knee, relishing her warmth, the silkiness of her bare skin. “Now I have you right where I want you, and I don’t intend to let you sleep anytime soon.”
    Since she didn’t object to that plan, Ham left to get the protection. And when he returned, she smiled and opened her arms to him. Finally, he had what he wanted.
    He had it all.

    S OMETHING WOKE L IV , some strange pounding that barely penetrated her subconscious. Lethargy pulled at her, the results of a long, wonderful, sleepless night.
    The pounding continued, and finally she stirred. Just as she’d done throughout the long humid night, she automatically smiled. Time and time again, Ham had curled her close, petting her, kissing her. They’d made love three times and each time had been as exciting as the first. After that third time, her mighty warrior had slept. Liv hadn’t. She didn’t

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