Stacy's Song

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Book: Stacy's Song by Jacqueline Seewald Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacqueline Seewald
matter what the consequences might be.
    The office door was partly open; I knocked anyway. I do know how to be polite.
    â€œYes , come in.” The voice was commanding . I t reminded me somehow of Michael’s.
    Mrs. Norris was curled over her desk writing out invoices. Her gray hair was rinsed and tinted the same delicate shade of blue as robin’s eggs. The eyes that looked up at me were as gray and serious as those of Liz. “What can I do for you?”
    â€œYou don’t know me , Mrs. Norris , but I’m a fri end of Michael and Liz. In fact I’m a member of their band.” It seemed like the words got choked as I spoke. I cleared my throat and tried again. “The reason I came by was to have a word with you about Michael.” I tapped my toe nervou sly as Mrs. Norris stared at me her eyebrows furrowing into question marks.
    â€œI don’t understand. Is something wrong with Michael?”
    â€œNo more than usual but isn’t that enough?”
    She just stared at me with a cold, unflinching gaze. “Is there some purpose for you coming here, Ms…”
    â€œStacy Nelson . I do have a reason for being here. You see , Michael blames himself for his father’s death. I think you’re probably the only person who can help him get over his guilt. I don’t think he’ll ever have a normal life if he doesn’t.” I swallowed hard and waited for her to respond.
    â€œMichael told you that?” She appeared more shocked than surprised.
    â€œHe didn’t have to tell me. I’m his friend.” I rubbed my sweaty hands against my shorts.
    â€œPardon me , but I hardly think this is any of your business .” Mrs. Norris rose to her feet as he r face began coloring. She was a tall imposing figure but I was just as tall if not taller and starting to get angry.
    â€œI thought if you coul d talk to him explain that it wasn’t his fault he might start to think differently. He needs to get past his guilt feelings.”
    â€œLook , young lady , not that it’s any of your business but in a real sense Michael was responsible for what happ ened. The night of the accident my husband was exhausted. He didn’t want to go to that baseball game. However , he’d promised Michael he would. If Michael had been a little less selfish there never would have been an accident. My husb and would still be alive and Michael would have his sight.”
    â€œAssuming that’s all true , the fact remains that lots of peo ple were on the road that night and many of them were just as tired as your husband. In fact the accident had nothing to do with how weary your husband might have been or whether or not Michael acted selfishly. The accident happened because a drunk drive r hit their car. Please be fair , Mrs. No rris , and place the blame where it belong s. Don’t take it out on Michael because it just isn’t right. Maybe he can learn to handle his handicap better if you take away the burden of guilt. It’s just too much for a kid his age to bear.”
    Mrs. Norris turned away from me. “Please leave! Get out of here!”
    Tears welled up in my eyes as I walked out of the store on legs that worked l ike rubber bands. At that point I knew what I’d done was a mistake. I guess some of the things meant with the best intentions cause the most problems. I had no one to blame but myself. I acted without thinking out the consequences.
    *** *
    Around six that evening, Michael phoned. He told me he was canceling practice but asked if I could come over anyway for a talk. His voice sounded ominous. It didn’t take a genius to figure out his mother had already talked with him about my visit.
    I took the bus at six-thirty and arrived at Michael’s house a little before seven. I felt like a thundercloud was hanging over my head ready to burst. As soon as I went in, I knew it was going to be bad. The door was open and Michael was on the

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