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Book: JakesWildBride by Lisa Alder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Alder
“It’s a good plan.”
    Jake wasn’t about to mention that she had run off with him on a wild impulse. But her face told him he wasn't going to get rid of her. He really didn’t want to cause trouble for Lilah. And he didn't want to hurt her.
    They rocked to a halt behind the Saint Louis Cathedral and in front of their hotel.
    “So what do you think?” Lilah waited with her hands clasped, just as she’d waited last night for Jake to agree to sing. The event that had spiraled their entire history out of control. He should say no. He should.
    But then he looked into her eyes and knew he was lost. He couldn’t say no. Not to her.
    “Great.” She grabbed his hands in hers. “You won’t regret--"
    "Okay, guys. Give us one last smooch for the camera and we’re done.”
    Jake bent his head intending to make it quick and light. Kissing Lilah was not good for his peace of mind. It would also make it difficult to get out of the carriage with a hard on as big as the statue behind them.
    But, when his lips touched hers, he forgot everything and lost himself in her. Her arms came up to circle his neck and she threw herself into the kiss.
    Jake knew there was a reason why this was a bad idea. But he couldn’t remember why just right now.
    “Great, that’s a wrap. Thanks, guys.”
    Steve’s words effectively doused the flame between them. Lilah pulled back from him, her eyes still heavy with passion. Jake wanted to groan. He wanted to swear. How was he ever going to live with her?
    Jake sped along the highway back toward Bloomington.
    “Could you slow down please?” Lilah asked in a soft, nervous voice.
    One minute she was Miss Priss, the next she was a siren temptress. He couldn’t get a handle on this woman he was married to. He flinched in his seat. Damn, he did not want to be married.
    “Why what?”
    “Why should I slow down?”
    “Because speeding is against the law.”
    He didn’t argue with her but he wanted to. She hadn’t minded last night. But today as they got closer and closer back to town, Lilah had become progressively quieter.
    He glanced over to her. She sat prissily straight in her seat, her neck at what had to be an uncomfortable angle.
    “Sure.” Jake slowed down.
    Lilah imperceptibly relaxed.
    But as they neared the town limits, she stiffened up again. He didn’t have the heart to tell her that her posture thrust her breasts forward in a most enticing manner. He was supposed to live with her for the next few weeks and not touch her? Right. It was going to be torture.
    “Where do you want to go first?” Bed was out of the question.
    He glanced back at her. Damn, he wished they’d taken time in the hotel room before they’d left New Orleans. He’d been tempted.
    After the steamy kiss in the carriage, he probably could have talked her into it. They’d gone back upstairs to collect their meager pile of stuff. And when Jake had seen the comforter balled up on the floor, he’d immediately thought of the wicked things they had done in bed, on the sofa, and on the stairs.
    Jake started to sweat. This was going to be the longest few weeks of his life.
    “My aunt’s house. I need to pick up my suitcases.”
    “Sure.” He swung onto the street, and pointed the car toward the place where it all began.
    "Oh my gosh.”
    She couldn’t help it but all Jake remembered when she said those words, was her astride him on the sofa, shattering in his arms. Damn, they turned him on.
    “What?” Jake looked away from Lilah and focused on the street.
    A police car, lights flashing, was parked crookedly in front of her aunt’s house.
    “Hurry,” Lilah said. “I hope Peggy is okay.”
    Jake jerked the Porsche to a halt just behind the police car. Lilah was already out the door and halfway up the walk when Jake slammed his car door.
    Peggy’s head snapped up at the noise. She stood next to old Sheriff Thompson, who had his notebook open and was scribbling

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