The Black Planet
through the lock on the cage.  Komoru dived in and grabbed a smaller package, ‘in their universe this mail is protected by a universal law Lewis, do you think I should open it?’
    ‘We ain't in der universe Miss Komoru.’
    She smiled, ‘that’s true.’  She opened the package to find a couple of strange twisted decorative objects.  She took them out and sat them on top of a box.  She was mesmerised by the colour and texture.  ‘Aren’t they beautiful Lewis?’
    Lewis screwed his face up, ‘like dat modern art Miss Komoru, I ain't got no time for dat stuff.’
    She laughed, ‘you are a wit Lewis.  I wonder what they are.’
    It was Ico who supplied the answer, ‘they are from a race that lives on a very stormy planet near the barrier, they represent what they call the divine wind.’
    ‘Oh!  That sounds very Japanese, it’s no wonder I like them.  I bet my mother would love them.’
    Lewis couldn’t help but laugh, ‘we going to open them all Miss Komoru?’
    ‘No Lewis let’s take these but leave everything else until later.  Ico has found out where to activate the cargo bay doors from.  Back to the bridge everybody.’
    Komoru sat at a large console and activated it.  Large screens came to life above her head and she took her instructions from Ico as he translated what appeared on the screens straight into her mind.  Large doors opened on the side of the freighter.
    ‘Atmosphere is being maintained in the cargo hold captain, there must be some sort of force field keeping the air in,’ Andy told her.
    ‘Thank you,’ she answered almost absentmindedly as she manually chose the bays to empty.  ‘I need thirty percent power from the engines to operate the rams Andy.’
    It took him a few seconds and they felt the ship shudder a little, ‘ready to go captain.’
    ‘Thank you.’ 
    She began to tap the screen and they felt the vibrations as the massive ramps began to work.  Lewis took a stroll back to the cargo bay to watch the operation and stood there with a huge grin on his face as the large machinery dumped all of the grass out onto the surface of the planet.
    ‘Sweet,’ was the only thing he could find to say before he returned to the bridge.  With her pilot at the helm they began the journey back to the alien base.  It was a tense if un-dramatic flight.  The dumping of the cargo had left them with weight to spare.  Yet all felt a great sigh of relief as it finally touched down.
    Komoru swiped away a long strand of glossy black hair from her face, ‘let’s go get something to eat people.’  She put her helmet back on and made for the airlock where Ico was already waiting to lift them off.

Chapter 12
    Kelly walked into the room.  Special walls had been constructed and painted to prevent the occupants going blind.  They sat with plastic bottles of water in front of them in silence.  One glanced his way but the man’s eyes were glazed over.  Kelly’s eyes ran over the eight of them in their tight fitting one piece suits that were a lighter colour than the crews.  He tried to sum them up; pretty came to mind, then handsome, beautiful.  They were all that and more; they were perfect specimens of humanity.  Now they were in shock.  They had barely been able to say much since they had been released.  Two of the women had actually fainted when they were told where they actually were.
    He moved round to the top of the table and slammed the butt of his tommy gun onto its surface.  He had their attention now.  He turned to the biggest man who was sitting nearest him.  ‘What's your name fellar?’
    The mans eyes began to glaze over and he looked away; he didn’t even see Kelly move.  Kelly slammed his head off the table, ‘don’t bloody ignore me boy, what's your bloody name.’  He barely gave the man time to answer before back handing him across the face and tipping him off the chair onto the floor.  ‘What's your fucking name, he screamed and kicked the guy in

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