The Vampire Hunter's Daughter The Complete Collection
    “Good lord.” Luke leaned against the back of
his chair. “You have to tell me everything. Can I see the bow?”
    I started to tell him he could but before I
could speak, loud wailing sirens filled our ears. My hands flew to
my ears.
    “What is that?” I yelled.
    Drew had already jumped to his feet and Luke
was on his feet and running. Yeah, he was running.
    “We’re being attacked!” Drew hollered at me
over the sirens.
    “What? Attacked?”
    “Go get your bow and your gun!” Drew pointed
at the stairs. When I didn’t move, he pushed me. “Run!”
    I took off up the stairs. I saw Luke yanking
open a set of double doors, a closet. Inside the closet, there was
an arsenal of weapons. Drew and Luke began loading themselves up
while I ran up the stairs.
    I ran as fast as I could, grabbed my bow and
the quiver. I took my gun out of its case and dropped the empty
clip and slammed a full one into it. After grabbing the extra
clips, I bolted down the stairs.
    “Drew! Give me some of those UV bullets for
my gun!” I yelled at him.
    Without even looking hard, he plucked three
full clips off the shelf and handed them to me. He must have had
them ready for me, because I was the only one in the house who had
a forty-five, and they fit my gun.
    The three of us went out to the porch. The
sirens were still wailing and the smell of smoke was wafting
through the air. I couldn’t see any flames, but that tingly feeling
started to come back. My gun was stowed in the back of my jeans,
and I had an arrow nocked and ready to fire. These bastards were
not going to take away the only safe place I knew.
    “I wonder how they got past the wall?” I
thought out loud. The community was gated, surrounded by a gigantic
stone wall, and had security checkpoints around the perimeter. It
looked like a jail from the outside. Inside, it just looked like
any other town.
    “Shhh.” Drew put his finger to his mouth.
    Luke stood at the ready. I don’t think I ever
admired him as much as I did at that moment. He stood on the
stairs, a gun in each hand and a full bandolier tossed over his
shoulders. The moonlight reflected off of his grey hair, causing a
beautiful silver glow around him.
    Suddenly, the sirens stopped. Drew turned one
direction and listened, then the other direction. “They got to the
    I was freaking out. But, thank god I still
had my senses. Thinking, Sostrate, I need you to help me with
this . I chose the bow and arrow above the gun because of what
Drew had told me about guns not working as well on the older
vampires, and also because the bow and arrows were given to me by a
demi-goddess; maybe they had their own superpower.
    If vampires had made it to the alarms, that
meant they had gotten to the hunters manning the security building.
That was definitely not a good sign for us.
    A prickle on the back of my neck made my
spine straighten. I glanced at Drew and Luke. They felt it, too; I
could tell. Both of them stood back to back on the stairs so they
could fully cover the circumference around them.
    I took a moment during this scary and
traumatic time to feel stupid. I didn’t know what to do, so I
remained by the front door, with my bow and arrow at the ready.
    We sat there waiting, in silence, for what
seemed an eternity. It was unbearable, knowing we were going to be
attacked but not knowing how or when. Plus, I was scared
    In the distance, we heard the smallest
crackle, probably a fallen twig in the woods being stepped on. I
spun toward the noise. Suddenly, there was a flash and a vampire
appeared. He grabbed Luke. Luke didn’t utter a word but did drop
his gun when his hand flexed open in surprise. The vampire towered
over Luke, his burnt auburn hair and pale skin completely visible
in the dark. He held Luke in a headlock, like he was going to snap
his neck.
    “Stop!” I shouted, surprising everyone,
including myself. I aimed my arrow at the vampire. Luke’s head was
covering the

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