Their Runaway Mate
primary concern."
    Jasmine narrowed her eyes at Dillon. "I'm putting you at risk, aren't I?"
    "We can take care of ourselves and you too. Mannix is a clan of soldiers and we are its leaders," Kylan said stiffly.
    "But," Dillon said softly, "we would be better able to protect you with our clan at our sides. When the investigation is finished, we will discuss how to proceed."
    Kylan nodded. Dillon had only forgotten one thing. Something that could make the difference to Jasmine. He reached for her hand. "We would never keep you against your will."
    Jasmine rubbed her forehead with her free hand. "Fine. I'll go with you."
    A heavy weight felt lifted from Kylan's chest, but it was immediately replaced with another. In order for them to return to the clan, they were going to have to shift to dragon form in front of her. Any progress they'd made with her could come to a screeching halt.
    Jasmine closed the door to the bedroom. Her heart was pounding. The logical part of her brain understood their reasons to relocate to their home, but it didn't mean that her emotions were so easily calmed.
    She really should have done that research.
    In the videos she'd seen online, dragon shifters preferred being in dragon form. They flew through the air with their giant wings and lumbered through the streets of the dragon-exclusive communities. They shot fire at one another all the time.
    Then again, she had been doing research for why the election shouldn't take place so those websites might have been biased.
    After Jasmine shoved her belongings into her backpack and made the bed, she stared at the door. As soon as she opened it, they would want to leave. Sweat coated her palms.
    What if she ducked out?
    She eyed the bedroom window. If she took care to be quiet, she might be able to do it. She inched toward the window, barely allowing herself to breathe. The morning sunlight was streaming into the room. It would have been better if there had been a storm to hide the noise she'd make and to obscure her scent as she ran through the woods.
    Flashbacks of her nightmare washed over her.
    Her hand shook as she turned the crank to open the window. The warm peaty fragrance of the forest streamed into the room. The ground was about six feet down. Not too bad. She pushed her backpack through the opening and let it drop. It landed with a soft thud. She froze and waited for Kylan or Dillon to rush in and stop her.
    She slipped one leg over the sill, and then the other. She shoved herself off. As soon as she hit the ground, she grabbed her bag. Without looking back, she dashed to the trees.
    "Going somewhere?"
    Jasmine skidded to a halt as Kylan stepped into view ahead of her. His arms were folded over his massive chest.
    She glanced over her shoulder to assess her options and saw Dillon behind her. He shrugged and winked at her.
    "I thought maybe we should go our separate ways."
    "We've already discussed why that isn't a good idea." Kylan shook his head. "Dillon, go close the window and lock up. We'll wait for you here."
    Jasmine hugged her backpack. "Well, I'm not sure yours is a good idea either."
    Kylan approached slowly. "What are you afraid of?" His voice was soft and gentle.
    She stared into his blue eyes. "I'm not a dragon. I don't belong with dragons."
    Kylan brushed a stray strand of hair from her forehead. His touch sent tingles dancing over her. "You said you weren't scared of Dillon and me. Has that changed?"
    "No, it isn't that."
    "My mother was human, so was Dillon's. Every dragon has a human mother." Kylan said. "So you see, we are not so different."
    He made light of the fact that they could change into massive reptilian beasts, but she saw his point. It was one she hadn't considered before.
    "Done," Dillon said. "Are we ready?"
    "Are we?" Kylan stared into Jasmine's eyes.
    She barely moved her head in a nod, but when she did, Kylan smiled.
    "Good," he said.
    "Wait." Dillon looked up. "I think we have company."
    A shriek, loud

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