It Takes Two: Deep in the Heart, Book 1

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Book: It Takes Two: Deep in the Heart, Book 1 by Tina Leonard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Leonard
“Not so fast, Zach.”
    He blinked, trying to clear the mind-numbing sexual attraction he was feeling. LouAnn’s pose was slightly antagonistic. For a moment, fear tingled Zach’s skin, fear that LouAnn knew his common sense had almost been overruled by another woman’s touch. Just as instantly, he knew that wasn’t true, and remembered why LouAnn had cause to be upset with him.
    “LouAnn, I tried to make the party.” He guided her to a sofa, prepared to talk about the situation until she forgave him. The unhappy look in her eyes bothered him. “I got into a mess at a farm I was calling on. If I’d had any idea—”
    “You’ve never not called before.”
    He nodded, admitting that he hadn’t tried to call. “Let me tell you about it, because this was the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me. Carter was anxious for me to visit this farm, so I went. It was supposed to be an easy deal, almost cut and dried with a little persuasion.”
    LouAnn patted his leg and smiled at him. “Carter is in awe of your ability to close difficult deals. He knows you’ll get the job done.”
    Zach nearly smiled at the wifely pride in LouAnn’s voice. But she was far from the mark, unfortunately. “That’s just it. I didn’t get the job done this time, not anywhere close. The old man had a heart attack at the dinner table, and—”
    “Oh, Zach. How horrible!”
    “Yeah. The farm itself is in bad shape, too…and I guess I’ve been so happy lately…” he paused to brush a light kiss along LouAnn’s cheek, “…I didn’t have the desire to…to…”
    Oh, he’d had plenty of desire—for another woman.
    “To upset the old guy,” LouAnn offered. “Of course you didn’t. It was just bad timing, Zach, and when that man is feeling better, I’m sure you can talk to him again.”
    Zach shook his head definitively. He wasn’t ever setting foot on the Aguillar land again. “My work is over in less than two weeks, and in six weeks I’ll be a part-owner in the Harrison family business.” He leaned his head back against the sofa cushion and sighed deeply. “I can’t wait.”
    LouAnn was silent for a moment. Then she snuggled up against his side, leaning her head on his shoulder. “Don’t you think you should go back out there?”
    “I don’t give a damn.” His voice was harsher than he intended, and Zach nearly apologized. LouAnn didn’t deserve to bear the brunt of his frustration.
    “You’re just tired right now, sweetie. In a few days, you’ll be dying to get back out there and try again.”
    Somehow Zach doubted it. But how could he explain why he felt that way without mentioning Annie? Changing the subject suddenly seemed very appealing. “How are the wedding plans coming along?” he asked. “Is there anything I need to do?”
    LouAnn’s fingernails traced lightly along the hairs at the nape of his neck. The sensation was stimulating yet somehow relaxing, and Zach felt the tension go out of his shoulders as she caressed him.
    “Plan on getting your tux fitted this weekend,” she instructed. “Oh, Zach, responses to the wedding invitations are beginning to pour in. Today we received a stunning crystal water pitcher from Tiffany’s, and yesterday four place settings of our sterling pattern were delivered.” He felt a flutter of excitement in her hands as her fingers brushed his skin more rapidly. Receiving gifts was one of his fiancée’s most fervent delights, and she was enjoying her position as affianced socialite to the hilt. Her bliss made Zach happy, made him want to drown himself in her pleasure. He turned to her, taking her hand from his neck and placing it where he more preferred it at the moment.
    LouAnn giggled, reading his desire. “I didn’t know you’d get so excited about receiving wedding gifts,” she teased.
    Zach pushed aside her blonde, fluffy hair, baring her neck to his mouth. Tiny nips along the slender column of her throat brought a sigh from LouAnn. “I don’t

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