Blood Twist (The Erris Coven Series)

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Book: Blood Twist (The Erris Coven Series) by Bonnie Wheeler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Wheeler
of his heart – Death wanted to savor each little movement the half breed made . He stared obsessively ; his senses alive . The damphyr’s blood flushed through each hear t before coursing down his arteries, only to rise up his veins again in a perfect cascade – the boy’s body played a rhythm only Death could appreciate .  Watching now, he wouldn’t miss a beat.
    After years of waiting, the damphyr had come. No fighting, no luring, just a phone call with a ridiculous request . Even bringing a human for the others to enjoy. The female was pleasing, but she wouldn’t distract him. Not when his one desire was there for the taking. For the last two nights, he checked the airport’ s terminal to see if damphyr scent arrived. Half hoping the boy would disobey and bring a friend or two. Tonight as soon as the sun set, he was thrilled when his intuition was correct. Hustling back to the rest home, he informed the others of the boy’s arrival. Draugr were like basset hounds, they just needed the scent and to be pointed in the right direction .
    If they kn ew the things he did, they would steal the damphyr for their own, getting drunk on the crimson meant for his lips only . They would drink him in and revel in his fluids , learning Death’s secret desire . No, Braden was his. He had always been his.
    So many nights while hunting , he imagined t his moment. The b urning thirst was never satiated , but the closest he ever felt to being filled was when the boiling sweetness of damphyr blood coated his throat.
    Braden was huge, bigger than the scrawny kid he once was. Much like his father, the boy’s frame was sturdy, his muscles lean. It would take days to break him down.
    O ften while hunting, Death pretended each hu man he tore open was the boy , but e ach part o f the body he devoured lacked fulfillment. Whether sinking his teeth into a spleen or a jugular, the result was the same. He burned for the pure taste of damphyr.
    Once he cornered Braden alone , pleasure would be his. Death would take his time loving the boy, with every mouthful the damphyr could give him .
    It wouldn’t be long now
    1 4
    Braden didn’t even try to stretch out on the narrow hospital bed. Pacing the small room that was once for patient use, he kept his ears focused on Liz’s breathing on the other side of the wall . He t ried insisti ng they stay together; that she would be safer that way . B ut when Riley showed them to the ir third floor sleeping chambers at dawn, Liz refused to let him join her.
    Why is she so stubborn?
    Before she closed the door, he leaned down and steadied his gaze on he r, making sure she understood . “Listen, when you go in there, you lock the door. If there isn’t a lock, wedge a chair under the knob. Then, I want you to examine every inch of that space and if there is anyway one of those things can slip in that room, you let me know. ”
    Liz nodded in response. Stepping back, she g lanced into the room where a hint of the coming dawn was appearing through the blinds . “The sun is coming up . I don’t think they’ll be bothering me. Besides, I told you earlier, I can take care of myself.”
    Struggling to control his patience , Braden took a deep breath. He was fully aware that she thought she could take on the world, but he was scared for her and she made an easy target. “These aren’t dirty old men looking for entertainment. They’re dangerous. They can’t be trusted.”
    Looking up at him, Liz’s eyes flashed so mething other than just fatigue, but she masked it quickly . “No one can be trusted. I learned that a long time ago. Get some rest. We need to get the cure home to Ruby.” With that, she closed the door, leaving him alone with nothing but Riley ’s laughter to listen to .
    Turning around, Braden glared at his brother.
    Riley leaned against the wall grinning. “Trouble in paradise?”
    “How do I know that you or one of those leaches won’t rip

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