How to Reprimand Your Rock Star (DommeNation #2)

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Book: How to Reprimand Your Rock Star (DommeNation #2) by Mina Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina Vaughn
will,” I said, changing into something a little nicer but not by much. “I’ll go with you, okay? Just don’t drink and stay out too late.”
    She grabbed my shoulders and jiggled them. “Loosen up! Live a little! Don’t you care about impressing them?”
    I frowned. “If you want to impress the guys’ team, let’s do it by winning against UNC in two weeks.”

    WE ARRIVED AT THE BOYS' team’s house, which was tucked down a residential side street close to Ell Drive. This was unofficial, of course, because while athletes had to stay on campus, they needed a place to blow off steam. The guys didn’t have a houseparent, just one of the captains’ older brothers who rented the place to them. They had a lot more freedom than we did.
    And a basketball court in their backyard. Talk about an advantage.
    A few girls from the team were there already, drinking and socializing. Nobody was shitfaced, but it was early. I didn’t want to police them, but at the same time I couldn’t sit idly by and watch us get yelled at tomorrow because of their stupidity.
    Wes and a few other boys were scattered across the sprawling farmer’s porch, sitting in large white Adirondack chairs and watching their teammates play beer pong on the lawn.
    “Better keep the booze away from Pops,” he said loudly. “She was so wasted the other night on Ell Drive with all the other pathetic freshmen drinking their faces off.”
    His cohorts chuckled politely, but they all knew it was a setup. They knew the truth.
    “So what were you doing there, Wes?” I retorted.
    Wes shrugged. “It was decent entertainment.”
    Callie and I walked past them and into the house where we grabbed bottled water. It was easier to show the team that we were being safe than having to defend against Wes and his stupid pictures. Tonight I was prepared for his assholery.
    “Hey Callie and Thea, glad to see you guys looking alive,” Donelle joked as we entered. The other upperclassmen girls saluted us as we approached them. We tried to casually enter their private little world. I wanted to be one of them, dammit, and that wasn’t going to happen if I sulked on the sidelines and kept my mouth shut.
    “Feeling much better and ready for UNC,” I replied with a smile, toasting my water with Reese’s beer. They smiled and nodded.
    “We need more than just Coach’s strategy to go against that team. They’ve improved a lot since we last played them,” said Jennifer, a six-four junior poised to take the captainship.
    The captains nodded.
    “They only come alive in the second half,” I noted. “If you watch any replays, you’ll see they start to attack once the other team is tired. They save their energy.”
    Donelle’s eyes bugged. “Really?”
    I pulled out my phone. “Let me pull up some examples. They’re really clever about it. They play at fifty percent for the entire first half. If you look at their scores, you wouldn’t know, but if you compare where they are at the half and then the final score, you’ll see. Ever notice how they always come from behind?” I found a YouTube video of one of their games and showed the speed of the first half, and fast-forwarded to a clip of the second half. It was clear that they were ramping up their game later on.
    Reese shook her head. “Thea, not bad. Thank you.”
    I shrugged and tried to play it cool. “Just something I noticed. Happy to help.”
    Callie clapped her hand on my shoulder and grabbed another water. I smiled, feeling good about actually asserting myself. I guess this Domme stuff could bleed into other parts of my life. It made me really happy to have the team listen to what I had to say. And to think it was valuable instead of dismissing it as just some freshman’s opinions.
    Outside, I could hear the boys getting rowdy. Wes’s voice in particular was bordering on piercing. I rolled my eyes. “What is their deal?”
    Reese clucked her tongue. “I don’t even know why they had us here if

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