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Book: LyonsPrice by Mina Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina Carter
much, did you? A chance to get it
on with a cyborg, I heard that was the number one fantasy among women in your
pathetic species.”
    Samara’s heart froze in her chest, the organ stilled by the
malevolence in his voice and skewered clean through as his words hammered home.
    “What? No! No one gave me anything.”
    Terrified as she was, her voice was high-pitched and
panicked. She was in a room with two pissed-off cyborgs, creatures designed to
kill. She’d be nuts not to be terrified.
    “Lyon, you brought me along. The captain asked what you
wanted. You said me,” she tried to remind him, but his expression was shuttered.
He wasn’t even looking at her. Instead, his green-eyed gaze was wandering over
her body darkly. She drew her knees up, pulling the covers tighter as she
    That wasn’t a good look. Unlike when he’d looked at her
earlier, this wasn’t the look of a lover. No, he was assessing her like she was
a side of beef. Cyborgs weren’t cannibals, were they? A frown hit her. They
didn’t think of themselves as human. Was it cannibalism if they counted
themselves a different species?
    “So where is it?”
    She squealed in fright as he reached out and latched a hard
hand around her ankle. Kicking and screaming, she tried to get free, but her
pitiful strength was no match for him. Had he been human, she might have had a
chance with a few solid kicks from her free foot, but he wasn’t and shrugged
the blows off like they were no more substantial than an insect buzzing around
    He dragged her down the bed toward him, ignoring all her
struggling and cries. She managed to keep the sheet wrapped around her, just,
and flinched from him as he reached out to touch her. This wasn’t the man who
had held her in his arms and made love to her all night. The difference scared
her more than she was prepared to admit.
    What an idiot. You should have listened to all the
stories. He’s done with you now and he’ll kill you without a thought.
    “It will go easier on you if you tell us where it is.”
    His demand was little more than a growl as he pulled at the
sheet. Gasping she tried to cover up again, but he pulled at another section to
reveal more of her pale skin. Heat flooded her at being treated like an object
as he ran hard hands up her legs. She risked a pleading glance up at Cael only
to find Archon in the doorway as well, his expression as hard as his
    “Where what is? I don’t know what you’re going on about.
Please, you have to believe me!”
    She twisted, trying to push his hands away, but he just
grabbed her wrist in a grip hard enough to make her whimper in pain. Shoving
the sheet up to mid-thigh, he carried on searching. She pressed her lips
together, ignoring the burning in her wrist.
    If she twisted a little, the pressure eased up, but left her
vulnerable to whatever he wanted to do to her. Bitter amusement filled her as
cruel fingers traced over her thighs. Who was she kidding? He could do whatever
he wanted to her anyway, no matter if she had her hands free or not.
    “What’s this?”
    His fingers stopped on her upper thigh, pressing against
something buried under the skin. She resisted the urge to squirm at the
    “It’s a contraceptive implant.” His lip curled back, but she
carried on. “I-I’ve had it for years. It’s nothing.”
    His eyes glittered as he reached down and pulled a knife
from the sheath on his calf. All the blood drained from her face, leaving her
lightheaded. She couldn’t even whimper, she was too scared. This was it, he was
going to kill her, right here and now.
    “When was it last changed?” Lyon demanded, trying to keep
his voice level despite the distaste surging through his veins at the thought
she’d been using contraception. She was a lying little human bitch, but still,
procreation was procreation. It was the one perfect thing any being was capable
of and something he and his kind had had to fight their own design

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