Mother of Darkwaters: Book one of the Vessel series
with the ripping and tearing of human flesh.
       The seventeen-year-old throws her head back. Blood runs out of her mouth while she smiles in victory. She reaches down to tear another piece of meat from the fresh carcass. Caroline plops the salty cuisine into her mouth.
       “Caroline!”, a voice yells out with authority.
       The girl looks up. Ms. Davis stares down at her. Caroline realizes she is still sitting on the medical cot.
       What in the? Why would I imagine something like that?
       The teen scans the small room and spots a trashcan nearby. She runs over to it. Caroline feels Ms. Davis' hands holding back her hair while she vomits.
       The nurse watches while Caroline brushes her teeth with the toothbrush from her purse. She understands how hard it must have been for the teen to admit her virginity to her. But the girl is exhibiting all the classic signs. The girl throws the gargle cup into the trash and turns around. Ms. Davis directs her to lie down.
       “Your mom's on her way,” Ms. Davis explains, “You're done for the day.”
       “But I've got practice,” Caroline objects.
       “Not today,” the nurse counters, “You can take it up with the administration if you don't like the policy on concussions. You hit your head on the floor.”
       “This is stupid.”
       “It’s better than brain damage.”
       Caroline glares for a brief moment before closing her eyes. She replaces her frustration with happy thoughts concerning the nurse. She grins. The ignorant woman has no idea what she's in for. But she will. And she will never forget the S.V.C.
       Caroline! Finally.
       Rebecca grabs her phone and reads the text from her bff.
       'M fine. No wry. On mom arrst :('
       The captain of the S.V.C. grins. Her thumbs move to action.
       “Is she okay?”, Tamara asks. She and Jennifer exchange looks of concern.
       Rebecca activates the send command with her right index finger, “She's okay. But her mom isn't going to let her go anywhere.”
       “What about the pep rally Friday?”, Jennifer interjects.
       “She'll be ready,” the captain answers, “Today, we'll just use one of the j.v.'s to fill in.”
       Tamara makes eye contact with Jennifer, “Did Mr. Tolbert try to look?”
       Rebecca responds because of the mouth full of pizza behind Jennifer's thin lips,
       “She locked him out and took the battery.”
       “Nice,” Tamara praises her friend. She looks around the lunchroom and spots a girl who seems to be out of place. The black hair girl is having trouble finding a table.
       “Is that the skank?”, Tamara questions Rebecca.
       The blond captain turns around.
       “Yep, that's her,” Rebecca verifies.
       Tamara stares at the transfer student's pale skin. She arches her right brow.
       “Did she come from a snow cave or something?”
       Rebecca laughs.
       “Her clothes are so last year,” Jennifer chimes in.
       “She probably lives on the streets,” Rebecca supports her friend's observation while facing forward again.
       Tamara sizes up the new girl. She has at least six to eight inches over the poorly dressed enemy of the S.V.C.
       “On or off school grounds?”, Tamara questions.
       The captain takes on her business persona, “Not here. She's small fish. But we do need to take care of Mr. Donovan. He's the one who signs off on senior activities.”
       Tamara forces her eyes to move away from her soon-to-be anger tension release object. She subdues her heated blood flow as if it were a simple switch upon a wall somewhere. The girl refocuses her energy onto the task at hand.
       “Got any ideas?”, Tamara rhetorically asks the infamous plan master.
       “Jennifer's already on it,” Rebecca answers, “She has one of those computer geeks who has access to Mr. Donovan’s office.”
       Tamara notices a strange look on

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