Their Solitary Way

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Book: Their Solitary Way by JN Chaney Read Free Book Online
Authors: JN Chaney
threatens the lives of everyone on this ship. You don’t think that’s my business? Get your head out of the dirt, Cain. Of course it’s my business!”
    Cain squeezed his fist, but forced himself to relax. “Why do you even care? I told Seth already. He’s the head of Security. What are you? Just some pilot. It’s not your job to police me, even if I am your brother.”
    “I’m a member of the crew and a passenger on this ship. When people start dying, it’s up to everyone else to find out who’s responsible. You think because you gave Seth some ridiculous excuse that it somehow clears you of suspicion? He’s always protected you, ever since we were kids. I’ve got no reason to think he isn’t doing that now. You were there when the explosion happened in bay four, and you were near several of the blackouts, too.”
    “I had nothing to do with any of it!” snapped Cain.
    “So prove it,” said Abel. “Tell me what you’ve been doing. What’s the big secret you don’t want anyone to know? What could be so embarrassing?”
    “It’s not like that!” snapped Cain. “I’m not ashamed of it. You just won’t understand.”
    “We won’t know unless you tell me, will we?”
    Cain felt a warm flush wash over his face. Every second of this conversation exhausted him. “I’ve been spending time with someone, got it? We talk and play games…watch shows together. It’s not a big deal.”
    Abel raised his eye. “You’ve been spending time with…who?”
    “Don’t worry about it.”
    “You’ll tell me right now, Cain. Tell me or I’ll go straight to the bridge and get Father, then we’ll see what you—”
    Cain moaned, exasperated. “Fine!” he yelled. “It’s Lilith. Are you happy?” He glanced back at the blank computer screen.
    “Huh?” balked Abel. “You mean the cyberbrain? That Lilith?”
    “Yeah, her …and she’s great. She doesn’t judge me or talk down to me about my job. We just have fun together.”
    “Are you saying you’re…are you dating a cyberbrain? You can’t be serious.”
    “Shut up! You don’t know anything about it.”
    He laughed. “This has to be a joke. There’s no way you could be so stupid.”
    “You’ve always thought I was an idiot. Nothing new here.”
    Abel scoffed. “You understand she’s mostly digital, right?”
    “So what?” asked Cain.
    “She doesn’t have a body. How are you supposed to—”
    “She’s not just a computer. She’s a person. She’s got a physical body the same as you or me.”
    “Locked away in a vat somewhere,” finished Abel. “You’ll never be able to touch her. Don’t you get that?”
    “I don’t care,” he said.
    “This is absurd,” muttered Abel. “I came here expecting an excuse, but it turns out you’re delusional.”
    “Don’t pretend this is about me. You’re here because you enjoy this. You love looking down on people. You sit there and judge while the rest of us try to live our lives. Who the hell made you so special?”
    “At least the woman I’m with is real,” said Abel.
    Cain punched his desk, dropping the soldering pen. It rolled between the two men. “That’s exactly what I’m talking about!” he yelled.
    Abel ignored him. “Do you know what people will say when they find out you’re in love with a cyber? You’ll be the laughing stock of the ship.”
    Cain picked the pen up. “None of them will find out.”
    “Oh, that’s where you’re wrong, Cain,” said his brother. “There’s enough evidence against you to put you away. Seth might not want to admit it, but it’s only a matter of time before people start connecting it. You’ll have to face the crew, and when you tell them about this they’ll think you’re out of your mind.”
    “You won’t convince me to stop talking to her,” he said. “I don’t care if anyone finds out.”
    “Then you’d better get ahead of it while you can. Go tell Father before someone else does.”
    “You know I can’t do that,” said

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