Dragon Frost
Still I
don’t trust the rumors.” comments the white bearded man.
    “ I don’t
trust them either but they could be that rumors.” says his friend
as they walk towards the desk where I once was. They continue to
converse without knowledge of my presence, well for the time being.
This rumor makes me wonder if it was what those women said
    “ Are you
sure? Several of the citizens are fighting back.” he declares his
voice full of concern and I wonder if he was really accused of what
he is accused.
    “ Calm
yourself Fredrick they’ll be back to submissive dogs the moment we
dispose of her!” growls his partner and the other man regards his
words questionably.
    “ Her?” he
    “ Yes,  her  as in
the Knight is  female .” retorts
his bald companion with a lack of patients. “Have the Ground Troops
scout the city for her. I want her found before she causes more
trouble.” he demands. The sound of his words made me wonder if I
heard him right; he accused me of giving people courage when I’ve
only been in the town for several hours.
    “ But the
people . . . ” begins his friend.
    “ Will
cease to grow a back bone once she’s disposed of!” With all this
new information I found it odd to understand why they feared my
presence than again, my presence isn’t something that can be
bargained with. Wave money in the face of Knights and Rangers,
they’ll strip you of all the power you once had and rescind you.
The other man turned to leave his face was masked with fear for a
moment before returning to normal. The other man turns to his pages
and begins to work. He instigates muttering things under his breath
for a moment before I feel something wrap around my waist. Glancing
down I see a black clawed hand.
    “ Nefaliem!” it hisses in my ear.
warped from where I once stood and now on my knees in the centre of
the room. I so knew something like this was going to happen just
when was the question. “So you were here the whole time?” questions
the bald head man. “Should have expected that.” he says with his
back still turned from me. “Bind her.” he instructs the demon and
it grasps my hand firmly. Once my wrists were bound I stare at the
man. The hand of the demon still on my shoulder should I try
    “ I guess
it is true.” I accuse loud enough for me to hear, my face
indifferent as ever.
    “ Oh and
what is that?” he asks. I have no need to answer and I don’t, he
finishes scribbling something down on one of his many pages that I
really couldn’t care for.
    He turns
to me with a devilish smile that I know isn’t close to evil, it’s
childish in comparison. He paces towards me, his eyes raking my
body and I roll my eyes. He grasps my chin and forces my eyes to
meet his. “Tell me; is it wrong to want order and power?” I don’t
answer since it is always “yes”. “What have you come here for huh?
To investigate this matter? To find evidence of my doing? Before
you go crawling back to your Chief.” he taunts and I still remain
impassive. If he is going to try and hurt me with words he
couldn’t, I have no feelings left to hurt.
    “ No.
To  neutralise .”
head-butt him hard, his nose shatters where blood pours down his
face. I grasp the hand of the demon and force it from my shoulder
with all my strength and I’m surprised, I am able to fight him off.
I send my leg under his where he falls to the ground immediately
after, I bring my leg up and force his head to smash back into the
stone ground with a loud crack. The demon ceases to move
momentarily and I know that he won’t stay down for long. I roll
over my shoulder and stand on my feet, seeing the Priest make for
the door; I sprint after him after I loop my bound wrists in front
of me.
    I slither
through the door that slowly began to close on its own and stretch
my arms over my back, still as I run after the Priest. Pulling out
my blade, I slip it in between my wrists and stop. He’s heading
down the

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