The Determining

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Book: The Determining by Rebecca Grous Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Grous
    “I really don’t care about my image right now.” Charlie broke free of Margaret’s grasp but didn’t leave.
    “Start caring.”
    Charlie glanced across the ballroom, searching for Thayer. She spotted him near the band, talking to Cornelia. Both their fathers were Council members, so it wasn’t surprising to see them together. But, after Cornelia following her to the balcony and Thayer’s warning, she couldn’t stop suspicion from filling her.
    “I don’t have the patience for you. I’m leaving,” she declared.
    Margaret grabbed her again, her grip like a vice. “Where could you possibly be going?”
    “I need to speak to someone,” Charlie snapped, trying to pull away.
    “Thayer McLean?” Charlie ignored Margaret’s question. “I can’t believe that horrid display during the auction. Councilman McLean should learn to control his offspring.”
    Charlie scoffed at Margaret, but kept her eyes trained on Cornelia and Thayer. “I thought you would be over here planning our wedding. What other woman can boast that her first dance was auctioned for one million credits? You should be pleased that a single man, better yet a Councilman’s son, took such an interest in me.”
    “He is the wrong Councilman’s son. You should be entertaining Mason Novack.”
    “What, they aren’t rich enough for you?” Charlie’s snide comment was met with a scowl.
    “The McLean’s business is something neither your father nor his partners are interested in, a fact you would do well to remember as the future CEO.”
    “Maybe Richard should be interested. For all we know, the man who bought my first dance might very well be my future husband. Right, Mother?” Charlie pulled her arm free, smirking defiantly at Margaret.
    Margaret grabbed a glass of wine from a passing waiter. She swirled the crimson liquid in her glass before taking a long drink. “I assumed Mason would win.”
    “I hate to tell you this, but now that my Determining is over, you won’t be able to control the outcome of my life.”
    A superior smile appeared on Margaret’s face. “Over? The Determining doesn’t end when you scan your chip in the headmistress’s office. The Determining is every day for the rest of your life. It is the clothes you wear, the place you live, the man you marry.”
    Charlie’s pulse quickened at her mother’s threat. Margaret placed her free hand on Charlie’s shoulders. She leaned in, kissing Charlie on the cheek. The smell of wine on Margaret’s breath made her stomach roll.
    “Look sharp, Mason is coming this way. If he asks you to dance, you will say yes.” She punctuated her command with a sharp, painful squeeze.
    Charlie extricated herself from Margaret’s grip. “I don’t have much choice.”
    “How right you are. Smile. You’ll get wrinkles if you frown too much.”
    Mason appeared before Charlie could respond. “Miss Grey, would you care to dance?”
    She glanced back toward where she’d last seen Thayer and Cornelia. They were gone. Her eyes darted frantically around the room until she spotted them, leaving the ballroom. As they exited, Thayer looked back at her. Their eyes met, then he was gone. It took Charlie a moment to remember that Mason stood in front of her.
    She turned to him. “Thank you, Mr. Novack. I’d love to dance.” As she spoke, she spotted Drew over Mason’s shoulder. She couldn’t get out of dancing with Mason and she tried to convey that with a look as she moved onto the dance floor.
    It took her less than a minute to decide that Mason didn’t improve with a third encounter. It actually seemed that he’d grown more despicable as the evening wore on. Or maybe it was the alcohol. She couldn’t tell for sure.
    “You don’t like me, Miss Grey. It’s written all over your face.” His forthright comment didn’t surprise Charlie.
    “Does that bother you, Mr. Novack?”
    “No. Though I imagine our future marriage will be slightly more tolerable if you at least try. I

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