of taking unnecessary risks.
“ Where the hell is this man?” he thought as he waited.
Lasham was a man short on patience. He hadn’t risen to his elevated position in the force from being a simple copper by waiting around for mere bloody sergeants. However at that moment the dark blue CID Focus crept surreptitiously down the track from the byroad and pulled up alongside him. Both men wound down their windows.
“ So what’s happening in Torbay?” demanded Lasham without preamble. He didn’t bother with the niceties of enquiring after the health of inferiors. “Are they sitting round congratulating themselves on their success in the Adams case?”
“ There’s been a rape.” Greg Mallinson spilled out the juiciest bit of news. “Some sexy little bird got herself shagged in the car park behind the Red Garter Nightclub. She was begging for it, if you ask me. I’ve been in there some nights checking up and I couldn’t help noticing she’s got most of her tits on view.”
“ Who’s handling the rape case?”
“ When I got in this morning this tart and her husband were closeted in an interview room with Faraday.”
“ Bloody hell,” Lasham swore. “What’s she doing getting involved? Can’t she keep her nose out of anything?”
Mallinson tilted his head. “I heard the rape counsellor wasn’t available so she took it on.”
“ Hmm. I’ll check up on that when I get back to HQ. So, have they got a suspect?”
“ Some army guy.”
“ Not you, was it?”
“ Course not, Super. I’ve got more sense than shit on my own doorstep. Besides,” he puffed out his chest. “I can get all the sex I want without having to force the bird to do it.”
“ Not that little PC in your department, I hope. I don’t want to hear that you’ve been having her in the document store or somewhere like that.”
“ What - Bobbie Howell? Not likely. I know what’s good for me. That bird’s frigid anyway, just like my wife.”
Lasham grunted. “Your sex life isn’t what I called you here to talk about. This Cynthia Adams case is more interesting. What’s this I hear about a character called Richard Harris being involved and he’s carrying on with some actress?” *
“ I wasn’t there last Saturday when it all came to a head. The only thing the duty sergeant would tell me was that this Harris bloke was given a good rousting by Paulson.” In reaction to a sharp glance from Lasham he changed track. “Er - Inspector Paulson, I mean. But Chief Inspector Faraday seemed to be on Harris’s side. Anyway after about half an hour the bloke was let out, all smiles, and the actress bird was waiting to whisk him off in her Beamer to her bed. She’s called Susannah Blake by the way and she used to be in some series called The Connaughts , or something like that.” *
“ Did Paulson and Faraday fall out over it?”
“ There’s no sign of that. Inspector Paulson still seems to think she’s the best thing since sliced bread.”
“ Silly bugger,” muttered Lasham, then cleared his throat. “All right. You’d better keep well clear of that one. I don’t like the way this case was handled so I’ll be keeping a close eye on the repercussions. I’ve already called in the PCC over the death of the suspect in custody.”
“ Blimey. Has somebody been complaining?”
“ No.” He put his head back and looked down his nose at Mallinson. “I decided to do it off my own bat.” He snorted. “Now it looks as though another suspect has been let off scot free. I’m still waiting for Faraday’s report, then I’ll be descending on the department like a ton of bricks. So you’d better not be involved.”
The sergeant sniffed. “I’ve got plenty on my plate anyway. Latest thing I’ve been handed is that we’ve got a pervert on our patch. He got sent down for three years for shagging some under-age tart in Manila.”
“ Manila?”
“ It’s in the Philippines.”
“ I know where the bloody place is, thank