Both Fab and Didier stared as we entered the room; they didn’t hide their shocked looks. We exchanged good mornings and lapsed into an awkward silence. Why was I the only one to look as if I had enjoyed a night of mind-numbing sex? They’d never believe that we had only slept together—I almost didn’t.
Didier recovered first. “If you like it strong, coffee is ready,” he said to Creole, pointing to the fresh pot.
I grabbed mugs from the cupboard. “Don’t forget, barbeque here later.” I looked at Fab. “Are you weaseling out?”
“We’ll be there,” Didier answered for her.
Fab glared at me and had me wondering who she was madder at Creole, for sneaking in past her radar, or me, since she didn’t have the details of last night yet. I liked Creole a lot, now all I needed to do was swallow my fear and agree to a “first date.”
Creole put his arm across my chest, holding me close while he laughed with Didier. One might wonder what a male model and drug enforcement agent had in common, and as it turns out, they both bike to stay in shape. Creole told him about a private beach he’d take him to where they could ride on the sand.
“I have to leave.” Creole wiggled his finger. He took my mug and his and put them in the sink.
I blushed deep red, afraid to close the few steps between us, but my feet had a mind of their own. Please don’t make a scene, I pleaded with my eyes. When I got close enough, his hand snaked out and jerked me into his arms. “Don’t forget your Glock.” He seared my lips with a thorough kiss and squeezed both butt cheeks so hard I squeaked.
To my credit, my knees didn’t cave. I stood at the kitchen window watching him leave. Before getting in his truck, he waved.
“What the hell just happened?” Fab yelled.
Didier smiled his approval at me.
I covered my face. “It’s not what you think.” I laughed, sounding a little unhinged, and ran past them upstairs to my bedroom to relive every moment.
Chapter 13
My brother, Brad Westin, had docked his boat; he’s one of the hardest working commercial fishermen, which meant fresh catch for the barbeque today. I whined his ear off on the phone about Mother fixing me up and my yelling and having a public episode.
“Damn, I miss all the good stuff,” he said. “She’d stop if you’d get a boyfriend.”
“I should go rent a guy who’s a total skeeve and scare the heck out of her. Tell her I’m pregnant and expecting a little skeeve.”
“How about we dish up some payback?” Brad’s voice was full of excitement. “I’m going to tell her to leave Spoon with the babysitter, that it’s just the three of us.” Spoon was twelve years younger than Mother, but her genes had been kind so they looked similar in age. Brad and I expressed relief that he wasn’t younger than us. He outlined his idea to ambush Mother with a fix-up.
“Who are you going to get at the last minute?” I asked.
“I’ve been planning this for a while. I played poker with our CPA and some of his cronies, thinking I could fleece them, and barely walked away with money for a soda. I ran the scheme past the boys and Doc Rivers jumped to be bait, saying it sounded like fun. I’ll call him.”
Brad’s plans surprised me. Mother hadn’t meddled in his life since he hooked up with Julie, but she drove him crazy before, like she’s doing to me now. I liked Doc Rivers, a retired doctor who made house calls and was friend to both my late Aunt Elizabeth and Zach. “Doc is perfect as long as he knows it’s a fake setup. What about when Spoon finds out?”
“What’s he going to do?” Brad’s laugh was evil. “I called the cook at Jake’s and gave him a list of what we’d need for dinner, all you need to do is pick it up. Julie is bringing the dessert after Liam decides which one.”
* * *
I loved long showers. Forcing myself to get out, I managed to pull myself together for the family barbeque. My