The Happy Housewife (Samantha Sherman Book 1)

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Book: The Happy Housewife (Samantha Sherman Book 1) by Kate Cooch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Cooch
something like this. It’s just not Dwayne. William thinks that Dwayne overheard him talking about meeting a couple of friends out there and decided to come along. William had just arrived and saw the explosion. Thank God he went closer to check it out.” Pat broke off, visibly fighting his emotions.
    Sam gave what comfort she could. “Of course Dwayne wouldn’t be involved in something like this. He is such a gentle, sweet boy. You should see how great he is with Lindsey. Whenever he sees her, he’s never too busy to say hi or play with her at the pool. So many teenagers get a ‘too cool’ attitude at some point, but not Dwayne.” Sam lowered her voice a bit, “Lindsey actually has a bit of a puppy love crush on him.” That made Pat smile and Sam felt better. “Pat, please let us know if there is anything we can do.”
    “If you could say a prayer for Dwayne’s recovery and one for the police to catch whoever did this, I would really appreciate it.”
    “Of course we will.” At that moment Lindsey showed up at the kitchen door clutching the Walters’s cat around the middle, holding it to her chest and rubbing her face in the fur. That made both Pat and Sam smile. Pat asked Lindsey a couple of questions about cats and school and then the Sherman ladies left.
    They headed back down the street, Lindsey enjoying her bike and Sam feeling so grateful for what she had. The sun was almost all the way down as they approached the Sherman house. She loved this time of day when the heat had cooled somewhat and it was warm but not oppressive. It finally felt comfortable out and it made Sam want to take off her shoes and walk barefoot, maybe even through the grass. She thought about how the cool grass would feel under her feet, like a cushion. She loved the smell of cut grass, particularly in the summer.
    They reached the Sherman house way too quickly for Sam. While she wanted to get her talk with Mrs. Thomas over with, she was not eagerly anticipating the actual conversation. Sam reluctantly followed her daughter inside. They found Mrs. Thomas, again in front of the television, with the kitchen looking spotless. Sam and Lindsey said their hellos and then Sam quickly hustled Lindsey upstairs to start getting ready for bed. It was a little early, but after they called Doug it would be about the right time. Besides, Sam really wanted to chat with Mrs. Thomas as soon as possible.
    Lindsey could do a lot of getting ready for bed herself. Even though Sam wanted more children it was nice having Lindsey old enough where she just needed occasional supervision.
Maybe foster care was the way to go for more kids?
    Once Lindsey was ready for bed, they called Doug on his cell phone. He had arrived safely and was at his hotel. Sam kept the conversation fairly short. She didn’t want to go into the Mrs. Thomas situation when she didn’t know yet what it was. Besides, she wasn’t in the mood to defend herself just yet for bringing a stranger, as Doug would surely say, home. She did mention what happened to Dwayne and Evelyn. Doug vaguely recalled who the Myers and Walters were and asked about the funeral. He also shared some details about his investigation of the Washington Mutual Bank collapse. They finally got off the phone and Sam went with Lindsey to her room to say a final good night.
    It seemed to take forever to get through their simple, routine nighttime chores but Sam was finally done at 8:30 p.m. She suddenly got a stab of nervousness. She had been able to soothe her tension by focusing on the chores but now she felt breathless apprehension. Was she really going to confront Mrs. Thomas with some perceived connection to the Weather Underground? Suddenly she felt like a nut. Sam experienced that familiar feeling of panic and uncertainty which always pulled her back to THAT night.
    Lt. Lee knew that the crew was looking to her for a decision. They had presented her with all the information, given their opinions and then waited

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