Prince Incognito

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Book: Prince Incognito by Rachelle McCalla Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachelle McCalla
didn’t move far beyond them by the time they reached the place where it now passed.
    Clambering back down the side of the canyon, Lily found the shade near the spring where the soldier rested, and lowered herself down to the relative cool in the shadow of a scraggly clump of trees. The soldier lay on his back, the injured side of his face toward her, uncovered since he’d removed the sodden bandages. At least his injuries appeared to be healing, disinfected by their salinebath the night before.
    Uncomfortable at the idea of watching him while he slept, Lily closed her eyes, still pondering who the mysterious man might be. He was certainly handsome, and the uninjured side of his face looked almost familiar, though she couldn’t begin to place where she might have seen him. During her week in Lydia, she’d seen many soldiers. Perhaps they’d crossed paths then.
    The biggest clue to the mysterious man’s identity, besides the uniform he’d worn and the money in his pocket, was her uncle’s determination to capture and interrogate the man. David Bardici had gone to great lengths to get his hands on this soldier. But why? What knowledge did he have that her uncle was so desperate to get?
    * * *
    The distant rumble of a motor nudged him from sleep.He could tell from the smell of baking sand that he was still in North Africa. But wasn’t he supposed to have left? Yes, he was supposed to go home. But why? An event. He’d be getting his next assignment. It was important that he be there.
    But who was he?
    He sat up and looked around, and immediately recalled all that had happened as far back as the thick blanket that covered his memory.That’s right. He was on the run from General David Bardici of the Lydian Army.
    And what was that distant rumbling that had awakened him? It sounded as though it came from the direction of the sea, just out of sight around the crags of the canyon.
    He glanced around. Lily had said she was going to keep watch, but he spotted her leaning against a tree, her eyes closed. From the angleof her lolling head, he guessed she was asleep.
    The sight made him smile. Poor thing was tuckered out. For a moment, he reflected on the mystery of the woman who’d endangered herself to care for him. Why had she done that? He was grateful for her help, but at the same time, he wondered at the events that had taken place on the Bardicis’ yacht before his arrival. There was more to the lovelywoman than she’d told him. He wanted to learn all he could about her. But now was not the time.
    He had to find the source of the rumbling, which grew louder, as though approaching their bivouac. Jumping up, he kept close to the wall of the canyon, poking one eye around the crag to spot the sea.
    There. A boat moved past slowly, the men onboard scouring the shoreline, wary of the rocks,but equally intent on their search. Though he didn’t see David Bardici among them, these were likely his men. They carried the same weapons as the men the night before.
    So they hadn’t given up their search. Having seen all he cared to, he ducked back toward their hiding place under the lip of the cliffs. Unless the men on the boat decided to beach their craft and search the wadi, he andLillian would be safe where they were.
    “What’s that rumbling sound?” Lily’s voice met him as he settled back into the spot where he’d been resting.
    She was only a couple of meters away. If they whispered, there was little chance the searching men would hear them, especially not over the sound of the boat. Still, he didn’t want to take any chances, but motioned for her to move closerto him.
    Lily darted over and took a seat in the shade next to him. “Is it my uncle?”
    “I think it might be his men. They’re searching the shoreline. So far they haven’t ventured inland.”
    “Do you think they’ll see our footprints?”
    “The waves should have washed away those that are visible from sea.”
    Regret chased across her features as she

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