The Undoer

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Book: The Undoer by Melissa J. Cunningham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa J. Cunningham
get out.”
    “I wanted to talk to you.”
    “There’s nothing to talk about.” He stands, his shoulders tense, like he’s ready to throw me up the stairs if I don’t go on my own volition.
    “Jag… I’d like us to be friends. It doesn’t have to be this way, us at each other’s throats all the time.”
    “We won’t be at each other’s throats because you won’t be around.”
    At this point, it’s obvious the conversation will go nowhere. He’s not ready for me yet. “Fine.” I head back up to the chapel.
    The boys are still admiring Heidi’s tattoo, comparing it to their own. They each have a dagger etched in black on their upper arms. I’ve never noticed before. Theirs aren’t anything special, so seeing how Heidi’s radiates with shimmering, golden light, they are amazed and probably a bit jealous. Should I get one? That would be a big hell no. I won’t have this body for long anyway.
    Heidi’s eyes meet mine as I step closer. She pulls her jacket back up, ending the marveling once and for all. “So, Bret. You want to be a Cazador too?”
    “Uh, yeah.”
    At that moment, Jag appears at the top of the stairs, holding onto both sides of the doorframe as though he needs it for balance. He’s out of breath and his lips are pulled back into a snarl. “Where is it?” He glares at each Cazador, searching their expressions accusingly. He stops on Heidi. “It was you, wasn’t it?”
    “What?” Her eyes grow wide as though she knows exactly what he’s talking about.
    “My spare runed blade. You took it.”
    Jag looks every bit the predator, dressed in black, his lips pulled back in fury, ready to pounce. And Heidi is definitely the mouse. Trapped. Caught beneath his gigantic paw of accusation. I can tell from the guilty look on her face that she has what he’s looking for. This will not end well.
    “Give it to me.” He stalks toward her with his hand out.
    The brother in me takes over. This rage-driven boy, who looks ready to take her head off, is not going anywhere near my sister. I jump up and take a stance between them, my arms outstretched. “Hold on just a minute.”
    “Get out of my way.” Jag knocks my arm away and plants himself before Heidi, practically growling. “Give it back.”
    Heidi just stands there, her mouth working without any sound. Jag thrusts his hand forward, palm up. But she surprises me and shoves him back. “No. I have every right to it. I see the demons too. I am not going to sit home knitting while you all go hunting.”
    “Okay, wait just a minute,” I say, trying to placate them.
    “Shut up,” they both say in unison.
    Okay. Fine. I’ll sit this one out, but if he dares lay even one finger on her…
    “It’s my dagger,” Jag shouts, poking a finger at her for emphasis.
    “As soon as you runed it, it became anyone’s dagger who can see demons. You already have one. You’ve made one for everyone here!” She screams the words, her eyes wild, frustration and anger spilling out. “I need one too. Everybody here wants me to join, and you can’t keep me out any longer! You don’t get to make all the decisions. You’re not everybody’s boss!” She shouts directly into his face, inches away from his nose.
    We used to go at it all the time in the old days, but seeing her righteous anger and flashing eyes… I have to admit, I’m siding with her. It will take a force of nature to hold her back. Jag doesn’t stand a chance.
    “I say we take a vote,” Dean says, breaking in. “All in favor?”
    Jag stares at Dean in astonishment. Everyone raises their hand but Jag and me. I don’t bother because I won’t count anyway. Dean’s hand comes up, like a slap in Jag’s face.
    “This isn’t a democracy,” he snarls, his teeth clenched. “I am in charge. I made this group. I get to say who joins or not.”
    “Why?” Owen steps forward, his long, slender body stretching up straight and confident. “We should all get a say in who joins… and who

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