Granddad's House (On Geneva Shores)

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Book: Granddad's House (On Geneva Shores) by Kate Vale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Vale
are you this fine morning?”
    Robert jauntily tossed his hat onto the top of the coat rack near the door. “It is that. Would the owner of the company happen to be in?”
    “She is, and waiting for you with a hot cup of coffee.” The receptionist waved him toward the open door of Olivia’s office.
    “No cookies, Genevieve?”
    “Sorry. Olivia told me what your doctor said.”
    “You’re no fun.”
    “I know, Mr. Brown.”
    He winked at her, gave her a wide smile and closed Olivia’s door behind him. “There you are, and looking ever the executive in that pretty brown blouse and suit.” 
    “Mahogany, Granddad. And my blouse is beige.”
    “Whatever you say, Livvy. The way the sun lights up your hair reminds me of copper. Remember when I used to call you my Copper Kid? That’s what you are today, Livvy. Are you ready to show me that offer?”
    Olivia closed the door, pointed to the small conference table and took the seat opposite him, her face glum. “Here it is.” She handed him his copy. “As you can see, he’s offering you full price. I have a copy of his Elliott money check—more than one percent of the offering price.”
    “Hmm. Personal check, I see. On a local bank?”
    “Were you expecting something else?”
    “No. But he told me he was part of an LLC. I thought maybe that was the check he’d be using, a company check.”
    “He prefers a quick closing,” she continued without comment, “but at my suggestion, he’s offering you sixty days to—to—to—”
    “Livvy.” He dropped his voice. “Take a deep breath.”
    “Sorry. A sixty-day closing—so you’ll have plenty of time to find another place to live.” She gulped audibly. “The only contingencies relate to inspection, which is standard, and verification of clean title.” She sat back, biting her lip.
    He read through the papers, sipping from his coffee mug, taking his time.
    “Could I have a refill?”
    She rose, refilled the mug, and returned it to the table.
    “How much time is he giving me to, well, for you to get back to him?”
    Olivia sighed. “He originally wrote two days, but when I told him you were coming in this morning, he said he wouldn’t object if you took until the end of the week. In case you had questions.”
    “I’ve decided.” He picked up a pen then put it down again. “Or maybe not.” He twirled his pen, glanced out of the window for a long minute and back at Olivia, who seemed to be holding her breath. “I can’t sign this, honey.”
    “Oh, thank you, Granddad,” she said, her words breathier than usual.  “You have no idea how happy I am that you don’t want this offer. If I’d known you were going to say no, I would have slept so much better last night.” She stood up to give him a hug.
    He waved her away. “I didn’t say I didn’t want to sign it, Livvy.  I just can’t do it right now.”
    “What do you mean?” She plopped back down in her chair, rubbing her fingers against the furrows in her brow and peering anxiously at him.
    “I want you to find out if the lot has to be rezoned—make it two lots or three. One for the big house and one with the carriage house and the garden building on the other.  Once I know if that’s required, I’ll decide what I want to do with this offer.” He shoved the papers in her direction and sat back in his chair. “How long do you think that will take?”
    “I’m not sure.” She resumed biting her lip.
    He nodded. “Then you may want to talk to Mr. James. He told me he’s already been to the permit people at the county offices to talk about that possibility. He may know if rezoning is necessary and how much it’s going to cost and how long it will take. Call him, Livvy. Pick his brain about that. Then get back to me.” He rose, and handed her his empty coffee mug. “And if it makes sense for me to do that. Maybe if I pay for the rezoning, we could ask more money.”
    “That’s all? That’s it?” She followed him to the

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