Best Bondage Erotica 2013

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Book: Best Bondage Erotica 2013 by Rachel Bussel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Bussel
Twisting, she saw it was some kind of rubbery, twisty tube thing. Almost like a pipe cleaner, but much thicker, sturdier and not furry.
    Opening her mouth to protest, she was silenced by a look from Taylor as he walked to the other side of the car and secured her free arm in the same fashion.

    â€œSo,” he said, his lighter tone belying his mood, “you gonna help me out then, babe?”
    â€œI don’t see how—”
    â€œDon’t worry, it’s very simple. You sit there, your pretty little ass on the car, and I’ll rev the engine. You can tell me from the heat and the vibrations what the problem is.”
    Knowing nothing about cars beyond how to operate one and fill it with fuel, Maisie had no idea if he was joking or not. She suspected he had some ulterior motive. Perhaps he hoped hot metal burning her arse would shut her up. She wriggled, testing her restraints, but it was useless. A flicker of fear wavered through her body. Was he really going to burn her? She had a denim skirt on, sure, but what protection would that be from the heat of an engine?
    Maisie heard the car door open, and the vehicle dipped as Taylor got in. Then the chug of the engine, which fired immediately. It obviously has no problems starting. A couple of heavy pushes on the accelerator had the vibrations rolling through her body, and despite her indignation at being trussed up like a turkey—what if someone ambled past the half-raised garage door?—Maisie felt juices pooling in her rapidly swelling pussy. If he carried on revving the car up like that, the juices would soon leak down her crack, seep through her underwear and skirt and start dripping onto the hot metal beneath. And serve him right, too.
    The slam of a car door, and suddenly Taylor was in front of her.
    â€œSo,” he said with a smirk, “any idea what’s wrong with it, yet?”
    His gaze raked her body, lingering on her tits—nestled in a tight top—and her groin. The position she was in meant that she’d had to part her legs for stability, and so from Taylor’s
vantage point, there would be a view right up her skirt. No doubt he could see the stain spreading across her thong. The widening of his grin told her he’d noticed just that.
    â€œWell?” he said, raising an eyebrow.
    Now that the engine had been running a little while, she felt her asscheeks and the backs of her thighs beginning to heat up. Currently, though, it was nothing she couldn’t handle. The vibrations, on the other hand, were slowly pushing her in the direction of an orgasm and making it difficult for her to concentrate. If she pushed her ass harder against the car, maybe the vibrations would feel more intense, and get her off more quickly—
    A sharp slap just above her right knee snapped her back to the present.
    â€œWell?” Taylor said again, more loudly.
    The pain in her leg, which was rapidly morphing into heat, fed her temper further. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Tay. Even if there was some magical way of knowing what was wrong with a car by sitting on its trunk, it wouldn’t be me that knew how to tell, would it? Stop being a prick, and let me go.”
    She yanked on her wrist restraints to emphasize her point.
    â€œYou’re joking, right?” Taylor said, stepping closer to her and standing between her parted feet. “Let you go? When I’ve got you precisely where I want you? I don’t think so.”
    Maisie watched as Taylor’s hand moved between her legs and up her skirt. She gasped as his fingers contacted the sodden material of her thong, pushing against the sensitive, aroused flesh beneath. Her head lolled back as he pulled the gusset of the thong to one side and slipped his digits between her swollen, slick labia.
    She gave an appreciative moan. “Well, somebody’s horny. What is it, Mais? The vibrations from the engine, or being tied
up?” he continued, clearly not

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