Better Off Wed

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Book: Better Off Wed by Laura Durham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Durham
mother’s death well. You saw how she went to pieces at the wedding.”
    â€œIs she at home?”
    â€œWe’ve had to sedate her.” Dr. Donovan shook his head. “She’s not in any condition to see visitors.”
    I tried to sound solemn. “Of course not.”
    â€œWe spoke to the police, of course.” The doctor picked at a loose thread on the hem of his shirt. “But there’s not much we can tell them. Did the police question you?”
    â€œYes, but we don’t know anything, either,” Kate said. “Aside from finding the body.”
    â€œIn all the drama, I’d forgotten that you two found my mother-in-law. That must have been quite a shock.”
    â€œYou can say that again.” Kate shuddered, and I shot her a look. Before I could try to smooth over Kate’s blunder, my cell phone began ringing to the tune of “Here Comes the Bride.” I fumbled in my bag to find it.
    The groom stood and managed a weak smile. “Do you mind if I go check on Elizabeth for a moment? I don’t like to leave her alone for too long.” Dr. Donovan backed out of the room.
    I retrieved my phone, and Kate stuck a finger down her throat. She hated my personalized ring.
    â€œWedding Belles, this is Annabelle.”
    â€œHi, Annabelle. It’s Kimberly Kinkaid.” The bride for this Saturday. I always gave brides my cell phone number the week of the wedding and not a moment sooner.
    â€œHi, Kimberly. Is everything okay?”
    â€œWell, I know this number is for important calls, but I need your help with something.” Her voice sounded even more tentative than usual.
    I braced myself for a bridal breakdown. “That’s what I’m here for.”
    â€œI’ve been thinking about the rose petals outside during the ceremony.”
    â€œThe ones that the florist is going to scatter down the aisle?”
    â€œRight,” she barreled on. “What if the wind blows?”
    â€œWhat do you mean?” I tried not to sound impatient.
    â€œI don’t want them blowing out of the aisle. I want them in a straight line.”
    â€œWell, there’s not much we can do if the wind blows them around, Kimberly.”
    â€œCan you pin them down to the ground?”
    Was she serious? “You want me to pin the rose petals in place?” I heard Kate stifle a laugh, but I couldn’t look at her for fear I would burst into laughter.
    â€œOr maybe there’s a special adhesive to glue them to the grass?” It was official. She had lost her mind.
    I needed to get off the phone before Dr. Donovan came back and heard me debating ways to adhere flower petals to grass. I kept my voice steady, despite Kate’s muffled cackling behind me. “Why don’t I check on that special adhesive and give you a call back?”
    I flipped my phone off and dropped it in my bag. “Nice, Kate. We’re paying condolences and you’re laughing your head off.”
    â€œI couldn’t help it.” Kate stood up and walked around the room. “I’m sure Dr. Donovan didn’t hear me and even if he did, I’ll bet he wouldn’t care.”
    My jaw dropped. “You don’t think he’d care thatyou’re laughing while his new bride is practically in a coma?”
    â€œI just mean that he has so much on his mind that he wouldn’t notice. I didn’t catch him peeking down my dress once.”
    â€œI wasn’t aware that cleavage is a test of how distraught someone is.”
    Kate faced the wall, studying a row of framed diplomas. “It’s one of them.”
    I held up a hand. “Spare me the others.”
    â€œCheck out this guy’s credentials.” Kate whistled. “No wonder Mrs. Pierce adored him so much. Princeton undergrad. Harvard Med.”
    I walked up next to Kate. “She wouldn’t have accepted anything less. Both her husbands went to Ivy League schools,

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