The Bovine Connection

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Book: The Bovine Connection by Kimberly Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Thomas
animals and why it’s happening.”
    Jack nodded at Angelica and then looked at Matthew, “I like her. Yes, thank you for your sincerity. I trust you’ll keep your word. And call me Jack.”
    “Thank you!” Angelica turned on the recorder. “Let’s start with the first mutilation on your ranch. In the police report, you stated that you were still in your car after returning home that evening when you noticed a bright light in the sky moving toward your pasture. Then you stated there appeared to be a spotlight shining down on your cattle, and after a few minutes, it disappeared. Is that correct?” 
    “Yes, that’s correct. Actually, I heard an odd sound before I saw the light. My window was down… I was enjoying the evening air. The sound seemed to get louder as the light approached.” Jack wiped the sweat from the back of his neck and continued… “At first, I thought it was some sort of military craft. I had never heard a sound like that before though, kind of a pulsating, humming sound. Almost like a sheet of metal being shaken back and forth, but it would have had to be a large sheet of metal to make a sound like that. I don’t know how else to describe it, really. Other than it was loud… I’ll say that!” Jack shook his head.
    Angelica again felt that tingling sensation emanating from the back of her neck and down to her shoulders. “Humming?” she mumbled. Observing Jack’s expression, Angelica realized Jack was also clearly uneasy talking about the incident. It was obvious he was still trying to make sense of it.
    “Jack, you said a pulsating, humming type of sound?” Was it the same sound she had heard in the middle of the night? she wondered. A strange coincidence, she thought. She could feel the rapidness of her heart rate as it increased causing her to feel slightly faint. “Did you mention the sound to the police?”
    Jack shook his head. “No.”
    “And you said ‘pulsating,’ correct?” Angelica rubbed at the side of her cheek with her pen grasped tightly in her palm.
    “Yes, I said ‘pulsating.’”
    Angelica nodded, “Okay.”
    Angelica stepped in slightly closer, careful not to invade his personal space, a pet peeve of her own. “Could it also be described as a whooshing type sound?”
    “Yes, most certainly. You know, come to think about it… I can’t remember if I mentioned it or not. Heard it both nights.”
    Angelica tilted her head and looked at Matthew with a curious expression, “So you heard the sound again on the night of the second mutilation?”
    “Yep, sure did. At first, I thought it was a helicopter, and then I realized it was the same sound I heard on the night of the first one…”
    Angelica interrupted Jack, “That’s right… I remember reading in the police report that at first you thought you heard a helicopter. And you are sure it was not a helicopter, is that correct?”
    “Certain of it!” Jack raised his shoulders in confidence.
    “Okay, anything else happen that first night?”
    “Well, after the light moved around for a few minutes, it stopped, and after a second or two, disappeared. It wasn’t until the next morning out on the ranch that I discovered one of my cattle all sliced up. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. As I was walking up, my first thought was that it had been attacked by a coyote. We have problems with coyote around here on occasion. But… upon closer inspection, I noticed there was no blood anywhere. Then I saw the cuts… the clean, precise cuts. Nothing like you’d see if a coyote got ahold of one of your cattle. It was strange so I grabbed a stick and poked around and noticed an eye was missing and an ear was gone. You’d think well, that would be normal in an attack by a coyote, but it looked as if someone had taken scissors to the ear and cut it clean off. I didn’t feel right about it. And then it hit me… Whatever it was that caused the light and sound from the night before had something to do with it,

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